Woohoo Resonance Surge just downloaded! Diving into an all-nighter now. #BadDecisionsBookClub
I re-upped my #BadDecisionsBookClub membership last night staying up past 2am to finish reading The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi. Worth it. What a great adventure story!!
#baddecisionsbookclub #bookstodon
Guess what just downloaded? I’ve got my cozy blanket, Sweep of the Heart, and a glass of caffeine baby! Who needs sleep? 🧹🧹💕💕 #amreading #baddecisionsbookclub
#baddecisionsbookclub #amreading
T minus four hours until “Sweep of the Heart” releases to my Kindle and I can hardly stand the wait! I’m going to go pregame with a nap because I will not want to put it down once I start #baddecisionsbookclub #ilonaandrews #innkeeper #reader
#reader #innkeeper #ilonaandrews #baddecisionsbookclub