So, the immaturity of the #Michigan #cannabis market is striking hard this week, with recreational shops in #Detroit proper FINALLY being licensed.
Which apparently explains why my preferred (edible) products are out of stock everywhere except the place near me that just opened this week.
So, what do they send as a new customer freebie? Is it a random pre-roll like the other places have dropped in my bags of gummies? Nope… #Badder.
WTF. This stuff appears to require quite a rig to use.
#michigan #cannabis #detroit #badder
Just watched “Disenchanted”, and I wasn’t expecting much — but one of the songs is so campy, over-the-top wonderful that I HAVE to post about it. “Badder” is about two Disney villains who want to destroy each other, and I am HERE for it.
I NEED to see two drag queens perform this together at some point.