Looking at that Cybertruck, I reckon Musk was a fan of Logan’s Run like me when we were kids (we are contemporaries). That’s all we have in common now. #Tesla #Cybertruck #EVtruck #LogansRun #BadDesign
#tesla #cybertruck #evtruck #logansrun #baddesign
Streaming companies... The inability of your systems which does not allow us to organize the selections our own way... Is SO wrong.
Especially Netflix... As they took that option away from us.
Knowing I marked something to put in watch list... BUT having to then scan the randomly sorted selections... Wastes so much of my time!
@DrSuzanne Along the same lines, today I needed to reset a password for an organization that we contribute to. I created a longish password which it accepted, and then it sent me to the login screen. The password field in the login screen would not allow me to input the number of characters that I created the password in the previous step.
Who comes up with these stupid #rating scales?
If you can't open the image, it is basically asking me to rate (on a scale of 1-10) whether I would recommend a service I used, with the following rating definitions:
1-6 Not at all likely
7-8 Not sure
9-10 Extremely likely
Isn't that just a 1-5 (or just a Yes/No/Maybe?) with extra stupidity? Also, what about 'somewhat likely'? Why should everything be superlative?
#darkpattern #assholedesign #baddesign #instamart #swiggy #rating
If you have a 1 to 5 feedback selection... with 1 = low, 5 = high
And the way you use the results --- in that 5 is the only valid response...
THEN Your Feedback tool is invalid.
#usingitwrong #badstatistics #baddesign #baddecisionmaking
Is it bad that now every time I see an embedded tweet, I reflexively try to hit the X in the corner to close it, assuming it's a banner ad?
#twitter #uiux #baddesign #xitter
Today’s #BadDesign #UXFail. If it looks like a button, it should act like a button.
@c0dec0dec0de @futurebird One of my beefs about the radio in my car - the volume is software controlled, so when I start the car, the radio can come on at high volume and there’s nothing I can do about it (not even shut the radio off) until we’re through whatever boot up process the car is doing. My thinking is that the radio shouldn’t come on at all until I have some control over it. #BadDesign
@veronica @futurebird I feel that - I bought a pair of earbuds (Anker, I think) that have the main button *right* where you would push on the bud to better secure it in your ear. #BadDesign
Today in #BadDesign - Saw this at my sister’s place in Calgary. The utensil drawer in the kitchen is inside a bigger drawer. To get a utensil, you must first pull out the big drawer, and then reach in and pull out the smaller utensil drawer. The utensil drawer does not come out by default.
Crime: Making a frequent task require more than twice as much effort than it should. Get the thumbscrews.
Un'insegna con molte chiavi di lettura.
Io comunque non la leggerei mai ad alta voce, mica che evoco un diàulo.
#GraphicDesign #BadDesign
Infotainment-Systeme in PKW werden von ihren Nutzern abgelehnt! Ein klares Zeichen dafür, dass am User vorbeientwickelt wird und noch mehr als das, dass Autobauer eben keine Software-Entwickler sind. Aber sie probieren es ja auch erst seit zig Jahren 🙈.
#agile #agiledevelopment #usercentereddesign #softwarefail #baddesign #automotive
#agile #agiledevelopment #usercentereddesign #softwarefail #baddesign #automotive
One more example (there are literally HUNDREDS of them!). The right click context menu now hides the "classic" stuff under a choice called "Show more options". Isn't it fantastic that any customizations that other programs make to the right click menu are now hidden away? 7-Zip puts some very useful shortcuts in there - now an extra click away.
It drove me nuts every time I had to click it. What a waste of time!
#Windows11Sucks #TrainWreck #GUIDisaster #Win11Fail #BadDesign #Garbage
#windows11sucks #trainwreck #guidisaster #win11fail #baddesign #garbage
Case in point: they move the taskbar buttons into the middle to emulate macOS, and then they put the Widget button over to the left. Since 1995, Microsoft has been training us to click in the bottom left to get to the menu - now suddenly that muscle memory takes you into the weather. WIDGETS? What is this? VISTA? Kinda smells like Vista. Do better Microsoft!
#Windows11Sucks #TrainWreck #GUIDisaster #Win11Fail #BadDesign #Garbage
#windows11sucks #trainwreck #guidisaster #win11fail #baddesign #garbage
Twice now I've allowed my work computer to upgrade to Windows 11 and twice now I've reverted back to Windows 10. Windows 11 simply is a hot mess. Microsoft half-assed the GUI upgrade and they STILL have elements of older Windows all over the place. The is NOTHING in Windows 11 that is more efficient or easier to use than Windows 10. EVERYTHING is more difficult. What's the point?! I am so glad I run Linux on my home PC!!!
#Linux #Windows11Sucks #TrainWreck #Win11Fail #BadDesign #Garbage
#linux #windows11sucks #trainwreck #win11fail #baddesign #garbage
Thumbscrew time.
How is it that modern coffee makers are designed so badly?
I’m referring to the particular experience of pouring water from the pot–which has a rounded spout edge so water doesn’t exit cleanly and instead also dribbles down the side of the pot onto the counter–into the water reservoir, which appears to be just some big backstage area without a decent pour zone (obviously sacrificed for the sake of the external appearance of the device). So there I am, aiming carefully, while all the time water is collecting on my counter from the dribbles. And all before my first f#%k!ng morning coffee…
On the other hand, I am amused by how many hashtags relating to squirrels come up when I type #UI 😄
@johnassel für meinen Radgeschmack schon, hahaha #baddesign Aber das ist natürlich ne Geschmacksfrage
I am flabbergasted by this really awful design for the Mini Cooper rear turn signals. There are arrows incorporated into the design of the lenses, but they point the opposite way from what would make sense. The left turn signal has an arrow that points to the right, and the right signal points left. Who the hell designed these? How did they make it through a design review?
#mini #minicooper #turnsignal #baddesign #designfail
#mini #minicooper #turnsignal #baddesign #designfail
Typical chaos on a #Swiss #Electrical wall outlet. This is the way, one definitely does not want it but due to #BadDesign specs of #Power adapters and plugs, you’ll find things like this somewhere in every #Household. This is a huge #DesignFailure.
#swiss #electrical #baddesign #power #household #designfailure
Loving this bin - there's only one bag, so it's all going to landfill... #BadDesign