Linda Sgoluppi Artist · @lindasgoluppiart
395 followers · 2574 posts · Server

Horrible stressful dream last night , so trying to shake that off.

Before that I was out on the balcony enjoying the wonderful dark sky and bright stars,

#DarkSky . .

#stars #baddream #mastodon #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Cho Gi Seok -Bad Dream

#photography #baddream #chogiseok

Last updated 2 years ago

74rku5 ✅ · @74rku5
43 followers · 110 posts · Server

I dreamt last night that my executive stood me up at the end of a company meeting and said he was making some changes to the security team. I was surprised, as we had never discussed changes. He then proceeded to give me a pretty bad performance evaluation, basically hitting every point that I've been working on for the last year. It was embarrassing and demoralizing. And then he called the meeting to a close and everyone got up and went back to work.

Now awake, I can look at it and know what it really is. Fuck you very much, imposter syndrome.

But also, thanks for trying, subconscious. I know it's scary, I know we're not running it all at 200%. But we're getting it done, we're making progress, and we're doing The Best That We Can, every day. Try and stay on my side.

#74rku5 #impostersyndrome #subconscious #PerformanceReview #dream #baddream

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomasz · @tomo
90 followers · 325 posts · Server

I woke up this morning from this dream: I was in the city with my son, visiting a professor. When it was time to go back 'cause it was getting really late, I found that the train station is full of soldiers, trains are not running, most probably a war had just broken, and I'm stuck with a 6-yo some 30 km from home at night.

I realized how unprepared I am for such a scenario. My EDC pack wouldn't really help me much. I think I need to go back to square 1 and rethink it.

#survival #edc #baddream

Last updated 7 years ago