#ASD / #NVLD diagnoses, #BadFriends, and #PoliticalPTSD https://nyssashobbithole.com/main/diagnosis-nd-badfriends-politicalptsd/
#asd #nvld #badfriends #politicalptsd
#ASD/#NVLD diagnoses, #BadFriends, and #PoliticalPTSD https://nyssashobbithole.com/main/diagnosis-nd-badfriends-politicalptsd/
#asd #badfriends #politicalptsd
We've been breaking off pieces from the slab of bread I baked, to nibble on while waiting for the dinner guests to arrive.
75 minutes after the time we said, I sent a message: "How's traffic?" You can guess where this goes. They forgot all about it, and are an hour away.
Dinner is postponed to tomorrow. Fortunately, lamb curry keeps. The bread will go in the freezer, and the appetisers in the fridge.