Whoever designed the latest version of MS Outlook should be utterly ashamed of themselves. #MSOutlook #Shameful #BadGUI
This me trying to tell in a diplomatic way that the team behind the Gnome Desktop for Linux is full of shit when it comes to a sane UI (using the standard mail client Evolution as an example).
#linuxdesktop #badgui #userinterface #badui #GNOME #Linux
Why does it take longer to do copy a folder when I tell it to *skip* duplicate files than when I tell it to *overwrite*?
This makes no sense.
And why won't it show me which files it's working on that are taking so long to not-copy?
(And why isn't there a compare-after-copy option? How did I end up with ~200 GB of files not being copied on the first attempt, and why isn't there a list of what didn't copy?)