@raf @mlevie @johndoepe @mazeldon
I wrote a lot about this on my blog (pinned in my profile).
The key thing that makes it easier for us to fight internalized antisemitism like this is to emphasize to both yourself and others that you are always the #BadJew. You can neither fight against nor protect theoretical concepts, but only real people.
Tbh, I think that sounds a lot like saying to non-Jews, "Don't get mad at me. I agree that Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount is cause for violence."
I don't think we *should*. As I pointed out elsewhere, #BenGvir is hijacking Judaism's holiest site for a political purpose (violence and death to help him politically, which is just evil). Part of why he has no business in government.
But this can unintentionally come across as #GoodJew/ #BadJew
@energiepirat @politicsusa46 @Raven47
What's really amazing here is the absolute certainty with which you hold some assumptions about @johndoepe (and I'll guess any other Jew who speaks up against you like me), to avoid responding to the substance of what is being said.
I'm happy to be a #BadJew for you (and I expect he is too), but it's good to be clear about what is going on here.