Magic Sword has a new album out!! #MagicSword #Badlands #GonnaListenToThisWhilePlayingStarfield
#magicsword #badlands #gonnalistentothiswhileplayingstarfield
Noch <20km für Rob Britton und fast 15km Vorsprung vorm aktuellen zweiten Robin Grmperle, da sollte nichts mehr schiefgehen.
#badlands #ultracycling #dotwatching #dotwatcher
Oh ganz verpasst, dass heute früh #badlands los ging. Naja, ein bisschen Zeit zum #dotwatching bleibt ja noch.
I love the muted brown colors of the Badlands in fall.
#LandscapePhotography #Nature #sd #badlands #Photography
The Badlands suffused in twilit clouds are truly special, like you slip from our world into some shadow realm of an alien planet. I dare say my new photographic piece "Dark Sentinels" goes some way to capture that atmosphere.
#art #photography #sublimelandscape #badlands
Via Reconsidering Cinema @coenesqued2
#MartinSheen in between takes on the set of Badlands while his son #EmilioEstevez looks on.
#movies #badlands #martinsheen #emilioestevez
🎧 #DCDiary, 1987 | "Fascinated" played one night in the video bar at #Badlands @ DuPont Circle as a movie-star handsome, salt-n-pepper #USAF pilot and I played eyesies across the room. He made the first move, bless him.
"We had a good run" for a few months before he was transferred.
#80s #lgbtq #Queer #disco #companyb #eddiefm #usaf #badlands #dcdiary
Awesome film! Be back and drawing again in two hours when Forbidden Planet starts!
#TCMParty #savetcm #badlands #drawnderground
The tagline for Badlands was “In 1959 a lot of people were killing time. Kit and Holly were killing people.” The advertising so offended the Zodiac Killer that he wrote a letter to the editor denouncing the ostensibly flippant attitude toward violence in media. Weird to think that both Mary Whitehouse and the Zodiac Killer were kind of on the same page with this …
Sissy Spacek deserves more credit as a cult film icon, imho. Sure, her scream queen status is enshrined with Carrie alone, but can't think of too many creative who have worked with Robert Altman, Oliver Stone, David Lynch and also play a supporting role in a rom-com about living in a Fallout Shelter! Salute!
First progress shot. Getting somewhere with this new Martin Sheen drawing!
#TCMParty #savetcm #badlands #drawnderground