Have you never heard of V2MOM? I envy you.
#v2mom #badmanagement #corporatese #buzzwordbingo
@jacob @Seg on further reflection, it feels like my manager, who happens to be HR manager as well as Ops manager, had the CEO in to support *them*! #BadManagers #BadManagement
Engadget: 80% of Twitter's full time staff has left under Musk. #twitter #musk #badmanagement https://www.engadget.com/80-percent-of-twitters-full-time-staff-has-evaporated-under-musk-234247201.html
Southwest Airlines blames IT breakdown for stranding holiday travelers
Have they tried turning it off and back on again?
#southwestairlines #travel #it #business #airtravel #operations #badmanagement
#southwestairlines #travel #it #business #airtravel #operations #badmanagement
I'm doing PoCs to solve for a very important problem, which had leadership buy-in when the project started. Now leadership has changed, and I've nearly decided on which product I want to adopt -- but new leaders won't attend the summary. And when a competing vastly inferior product invites them to a sales call, they attend. Now my entire project is in jeopardy.
Not just in tech. How about getting fired at midnight by text message with no severance and no COBRA continuation? #layoffs #badmanagement
#ElonMusk wants every #Twitter employee sending weekly updates about their work via email now. - The Verge
#ElonMusk #twitter #badmanagement
@RusticXploit You are experiencing something called “Moral Injury” — the level depends upon the importance of what is being done wrong. As a dev manager at Adobe, I found relief from MI by acknowledging what was being done wrong and making sure that I (and my team) understood that the directive to do it the wrong way came from someone with authority, who I had explained the right and wrong way to do it, and had actively chosen the wrong way. #MoralInjury #BadManagement #ManagementMalpractice
#moralinjury #badmanagement #managementmalpractice
I could see in my career bad designed projects going in production and failing miserably, poor choices made because they cost less (and that’s not true at all!) and people who thinks about the IT as a cost and not as an investment for their own business.
So, let me tell you something you still don’t understand: if you don’t care about the quality of the service you’re going to build and deploy, then you don’t care about your customers and their user experience with your product!
Why are you wasting your money buying a support contract from a software vendor, if you’re going to ask a consultancy firm to provide you professional and managed services?
Just adopt an open source solution and pay a consultant to support you.
Two meetings in 3 days, with the same topic but no description, one during the lunch break and the other early in the morning, to check that experienced engineers are on time for a delivery. Weird that two of them, in very important roles, are resigning #badceo #badmanagement