I loved LA because I drank its blood and breathed its smog and crawled through its gutters
Because I was reborn there
because I died there
because I swallowed broken glass and poison in its streets
and because it destroyed me
I guess I'm still thinking about the other week. The partner of the friend is coming for the weekend and I suppose I'm processing.
#MemeAtMeBro #poetry #BadPoetry
Roses are red
Barcelona is in Spain.......
#memeatmebro #poetry #badpoetry
There is a #BadPoetry tag that is underused, as a writer of bad poetry I need my people to show themselves.
Wisps of smoke curl
from the ignited flower
of Wisdom's seeker
Tacos are good
And so is pizza
But I want nachos
Or else I'll eat ya
HEY, Texas lady
Calling in threats to judges
Very bad idea
Big, dumb, orange man
French fries fly, spraying ketchup
Not today, loser
@haley_exe Alas. 'Tis far too easy to stay awake, and my thirst for screen time I must slake. #BadPoetry
Found in an old notebook, 2020
(I may have shared a version of this before that I'd edited and typed out but I'm not sure if it was here):
Tonight I am about three steps from schizophrenic dreams & razor breath. All time all too often collapses in on itself within my head and sometimes -- too often -- it's too much. But tonight, it's just enough. Tonight I am hesitant and fragile tired mania, and I see everything from here. Wooded backyards & cotton candy skies & "mira, blanca" & big brown eyes. 70's cars & anxious sweat, picnic tables & baited breath. My dreams remember each other and I remember them. White bellied hawks come to tell me what's next in a waiting language I can't understand, and it is all happening over and over and over again
#siin #badpoetry #streamofconsciousness #poetry
purpose called you from the beaks of black birds circling porch and red sky and never again eyes called from the beaks of seagulls and the sea breeze called you out of classrooms and offices out from under fluorescent light daze and paycheck paycheck paycheck and asked you what you would do if you weren’t afraid of hunger or rejection or a lack of prestige
it called you from the front seat of a beat up black car and spoke in tongues that sounded like collapsing chains and grinding gears from belly-to-belly bus and post no bills scaffolding and pissing on railings laying on your back in broken glass parking lot in the middle of the city chewed gum in hair refusing to move forward with routine
called from the steps of community parks with gunfire and the “de donde eres” from the tile floor of bars like shoes on spilt beer from pool halls and hennessy bottles and liquor store front doors corner stores and candle shrines
whispered urges turned to banshee shrieking tires and the cacophony of war of wailing slamming head on pavement
coyote screams heckling barks and brutal desert winds
dig needle into flesh, offer sacrifice of blood and sweat and hair and sex and find
listening is easy
#Meditations #Siin #BadPoetry #Consciousness #Contemplations
#meditations #siin #badpoetry #consciousness #contemplations
I just see things in black and white.
I just see things in black and white.
Very medicated right now
Music ringing through my head
Coyotes* in the distance
Yalp with longing
Of the sad everyday variety.
I wonder
Is this all
Oh why
yalping as i stumble
Far away
Down a dusty road
Confronting the absurdity
Of it all.
#coyotes #Oklahoma #cannabis #stoned #poetry #badpoetry #marijuana #medicated
Now I’m bonded to the WGT, together shall we cringe our bodies in ritualistic movements and chuck Leipzig into faerie land so we can eternally dance with unicorns and sip sapphire wine!
#badPoetry #wgt2023
Keep watch on this kitty / Don't ignore her at all / Or she'll send you tripping / And see you next fall
#badpoetry #cats #kittens #vacationreruns
You having a picnic?! Am I invited?!
This is the land of lead and slate, and shattered tree stumps
Waterfalls tumbling out of wounds in the mountain, white scars in the distance
Orange-grey scabbing on the mountain's skinned knees
Dark water behind sluice gates, deep and rippling
Ruined stone shells reclaimed by moss and roots
And the mournful breathy shriek, half hoot, half howl, of the steam engine turning on a narrow ribbon of track that winds to Devil's Bridge
#cwmrhiedol #steamengine #steamtrain #badpoetry #poem
Asymmetry shows
The ravages of time’s march
No longer upright
Shaped by life’s events
Form thickens and gnarls pronounced
Aged experience
#bonsai #badpoetry #thicktrunktuesday
Woo me with your wisdom,
Is your soul older than mine?
Has it known passion,
Have you shown it in kind?