Also, bestimmt 😉. .. irgendwo auf anderen Kontinenten, die ich noch nicht kennenlernte. 😐 Im Ernst, mit #Igo, #baduk oder #weiki findet man Go-Spieler. Gestern hat ein Ami-Scherzkeks auf einen #Prepper Trööt geantwortet. Dort wurde der Inhalt eines "go bags" im Katastrophenfall beschrieben. Ich schrieb ihm, das sei ein "No go" 😆
to win a copy, head over to fb!
#gospiel #gogame #gameofgo #baduk #weiqi #囲碁 #바둑 #围棋 #koreanischeliteratur #koreanliterature
#gospiel #gogame #gameofgo #baduk #weiqi #囲碁 #바둑 #围棋 #koreanischeliteratur #koreanliterature
@NPR I'm all about disaster prep, but if your go bag is to be carried while escaping on foot, you're not going to put several gallons of water in there. That's more for when you'll be hunkering down in one place for a while.
Also, don't confuse the bag with your emergency supplies with the one with the good slate and shell stones.
#preparedness #weiqi #disaster #go #igo #baduk
#BremenLogbook #Igo #Baduk (Korean.) One Go-game a day keeps Alzheimer away. Vielleicht sollte ich meine Zug-Rücknahmen strikt unterbinden. Dann braucht GnuGo such weniger Vorgabesteine 😶😉
Crossing a thing off of my bucket list for #PyConAU: Lightning talk.
Let this be a start to working my way to a full talk at PyCon next year.
Saturday Lightning talks: https://youtu.be/NpdDfPwptFM
Sunday Lightning talks: https://youtu.be/SqM9OQMpRkI
I took the opportunity to ramble on about Go #baduk and AI.
Hello sunshine, hello garden! #introductions #introduction
I like: #swifts (you may have guessed) #photography #nature #openSource #sustainability #motorbiking #wisdom #nuance #thoughts #spirituality #kindness #curiosity #go (as in #baduk) #running slowly, #makeup, my family inc being a #parent and #dog owner.
Labels to press all your buttons: #lgbtq #jesus #trans #nonBibary #enby #transFemme
#introductions #introduction #swifts #photography #nature #opensource #sustainability #motorbiking #wisdom #nuance #thoughts #spirituality #kindness #curiosity #go #baduk #running #makeup #parent #dog #lgbtq #jesus #trans #nonbibary #enby #transfemme #oxford #uk #noindex #nobots #noai
A weird thing is holding me back in online games. I am trying to make myself consider more moves before placing a stone, but I genuinely seem to get better results when I play quickly.
I don't know if the effort of actively fighting my ADD causes me to play worse (probably) or if I'm luring my opponents into playing too fast as well, and making mistakes I can exploit.
Either way I need to get better at actually thinking through my moves.
The Oregon State Go Tournament will be October 28-29 at Portland State University.
#go #igo #pdx #portland #weiqi #boardgames #baduk
An animation of this game. (In the end, dead groups are removed for scoring purposes.)
Thanks to tres14159 on Twitter for the idea of the animation, and to @henryseg for the suggestion to make the stones larger. This is not a regular tiling, so some stones touch, but in some cases the distances between intersections are larger.
#noneuclidean #noneuclideangeometry #rogueviz #bringsurface #baduk #mathart
#mathart #baduk #bringsurface #rogueviz #NoneuclideanGeometry #noneuclidean
Sometimes, I come across such spectacularly bad manners, you wonder how this person functions in real life.
After what seemed like a good game, suddenly we're filling out all legal moves, no matter how many times I pass.
Chinese rules.
The game is 100% settled (spoiler: I won).
Been there, done that. Some people, right?
When it's finally over, invites me for a rematch.
I decline.
A game of Go on a hyperbolic manifold, played in the HyperRogue discord server, ended like this.
#noneuclidean #noneuclideangeometry #rogueviz #bringsurface #baduk
#baduk #bringsurface #rogueviz #NoneuclideanGeometry #noneuclidean
In today's sermon I will discuss the #SacredChao, #HowToReadWater, #weiqi / #baduk and #discordian #tarot. One question I get asked a lot is how is it possible to read tarot cards in #discordia? If everything is chaos, how can anything be predicted? Look at the sea I reply. The surface of the water provides a small planet-sized sample of universal chaos. When you're sailing a boat your life can depend on reading water, on predicting the next wave. On one hand it's impossible but on the other...
#sacredchao #howtoreadwater #weiqi #baduk #discordian #tarot #discordia
Als jemand der viele Jahre Go gespielt und Turniere mitveranstaltet hat, hab ich große Freude über die Twitch Streams der Europa Meisterschaft. Zum einen gibts tolle Kommentare, zum anderen freue ich mich die ganzen bekannten Gesichter von früher wiederzusehen.
Ein Blick lohnt sich.
booked some Go lessons with a random 8dan player online, she seems nice. my goal is to get below 10kyu in the next month or two, i think it's very doable #baduk