BAFTA 2023: Apple gewinnt zwei Preise
Vergangenes Wochenende wurden die BAFTA 2023 Awards vergeben. Apple konnte zwei Preise mit nach Hause nehmen.
Apple TV+ gewinnt zwei BAFTA Television Craft Awards für "The Essex Serpent" und "Bad Sisters". Das Streaming-Portal blickt auf sechs zusätzliche Nominierungen für die BAFTA Television Awards, die am 14. Mai 2023 be
#News #TV #Awards #BAFTA2023 #Preise #Verleihung
#News #TV #awards #bafta2023 #preise #verleihung
“All Quiet on the Western Front,” an antiwar film set in the trenches of World War I, was the big winner at the BAFTAs.
The German-language movie won best film, best director and five other awards at Britain’s equivalent of the Academy Awards. #BAFTA2023
Il corto “Il bambino, la talpa, la volpe e il cavallo” vince il premio come migliore film di animazione ai #BAFTA2023
Tady je ta rec. Fakt me dojalo, ze hned prvni oceneny mluvil o Rodne Vlaste 🥹 . Pro uplnost, film Na zapadni fronte klid ziskal 7 cen #BAFTA2023 a ma slusne naslapnuto na Oscary. Banshees of Inisherin maji 4, jsem dost zvedava, jak si na Oscarech povedou.
« À l’Ouest, rien de nouveau » a décroché sept Bafta, dont ceux du meilleur film et du meilleur réalisateur pour l’Allemand Edward Berger.
#baftaawards #bafta2023 #alouestriendenouveau #radiosiskofm #edwardberger #allquietonthewesternfront
#baftaawards #bafta2023 #alouestriendenouveau #radiosiskofm #edwardberger #allquietonthewesternfront
New York Times
“All Quiet on the Western Front,” an antiwar film set in the trenches of World War I, was the big winner at the BAFTAs. The German-language movie won best film, best director and five other awards at Britain’s equivalent of the Academy Awards. #BAFTA2023
Good Morning #mastodaoine In celebration of the #Irish winners at the #BAFTA2023 awards, here's an #Irish/#English song I recorded a few years ago🎶 🇮🇪
#mastodaoine #irish #bafta2023
In celebration of the #Irish winners at the #BAFTA2023 awards, here's an #Irish/#English song I recorded a few years ago🎶 🇮🇪
#CateBlanchett gives an emotional Leading Actress speech @ #BAFTA2023
#cateblanchett #bafta2023 #tar #cinema
Since everyone is talking about #Navalny and #BAFTA2023 now, I think it’s important to share this thread again.
“All Quiet on the Western Front,” an antiwar film set in the trenches of World War I, was the big winner at the BAFTAs.
The German-language movie won best film, best director and five other awards at Britain’s equivalent of the Academy Awards. #BAFTA2023
New York Times
“All Quiet on the Western Front,” an antiwar film set in the trenches of World War I, was the big winner at the BAFTAs. The German-language movie won best film, best director and five other awards at Britain’s equivalent of the Academy Awards. #BAFTA2023
La Academia de Cine Británica ha entregado este domingo sus premios, los #BAFTA2023. La película alemana ‘Sin novedad en el frente’ ha sido la gran vencedora. Le presentamos la lista completa de los ganadores
German-language film 'All Quiet on the Western Front' was the big winner at the British Film and Television Awards. #BAFTAs #BAFTA2023
Los premios #BAFTA2023 han sido un despliegue de templanza, corrección en el mensaje, mesura en el vestuario y equilibrio a la hora de premiar el talento. La película ‘Sin novedad en el frente’ ha ganado siete galardones
Aux #BAFTA2023 le film allemand «A l’Ouest Rien de Nouveau» produit et distribué par Netflix multi-récompensé ! Visuel #canal+
🏆 The winners of the most prestigious awards in British film have been revealed – and Netflix's WW1 epic leads the charge.
Read more ⤵️ #Bafta2023
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