Ahhhh.... almost missed this one that sneaked through the defenses.
Dawg, understand the difference between someone who had a job already, but cannot seek another because of disability, and someone actually unemployed looking for work in a recessionary economy. I happen to be the former.
Actually, go understand that somewhere else. No poor or disabled hating allowed in this dancerie.
#bye #bahlocked #goburnyourasssomewhereelse
Ohhhhhhh-kay, I have a feeling I know who you all are talking about.
Thankfully, he's already #BAHLOCKED for previous attempts at shaming Indy Leftists.
@psychoalpastor @mutualaid @mutual_aid @Radical_EgoCom
In this instance and section of the Fediverse we practice compassion, empathy, and actual care for the marginalized and underprivileged. We do NOT try, convict, and sentence them for seeking aid, nor do we simply mock their suffering from afar.
Just because you got assistance doesn't mean that it's a breeze for everyone else. Try helping them get in, rather than pulling up the ladder and chirping from above.
How about I kick your ass outta here instead, dickwad?
Ahhhhh....more MusKKKrat wackjobs to come take their bowel movements over my lawn.
Son, take your ass outta here. And don't come back with your friends, because you will be wearing that burning cross as a tail after I jam it up yours.