Who gets to write about Ambedkar?
Six new reappraisals show the gulf between Dalit-Bahujan and anglophone writing on B R Ambedkar. Harish S Wankhede writes.
#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #SocialJustice #caste #SavitaAmbedkar #DhananjayKeer #ChristopheJaffrelot #GailOmvedt #ValerianRodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #ScottRStroud #WilliamGould #SantoshDass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
#BRAmbedkar #ambedkar #biography #history #dalits #bahujan #ambedkarites #socialjustice #caste #savitaambedkar #dhananjaykeer #christophejaffrelot #gailomvedt #valerianrodrigues #buddhism #JohnDewey #scottrstroud #williamgould #santoshdass #ShashiTharoor #books #bookstodon #india #activism
The Dalit-Bahujan Guide to Understanding Caste in Hindu Scripture
"Those with sovereignty in a system of oppression can think of that system as stabilizing, but those condemned to the slavery of the system — will view it for what it is — exploitative and destabilizing." #dalit #bahujan #adivasi #india #caste #varna #jati
#dalit #bahujan #adivasi #india #caste #varna #jati