Global News BC: ‘How come they let him out?’: Vancouver hate crime victim is frustrated by courts #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VancouverPoliceDepartment #DowntownVancouverCrime #Vancouverhatecrime #DowntownVancouver #anti-blackracism #ChronicOffenders #RepeatOffenders #vancouverpolice #Vancouvercrime #BailReform #HateCrime #Burundi #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #VancouverPoliceDepartment #downtownvancouvercrime #vancouverhatecrime #DowntownVancouver #anti #chronicoffenders #repeatoffenders #vancouverpolice #Vancouvercrime #bailreform #hatecrime #burundi #crime
Global News BC: Bail system in spotlight as man accused of 4 B.C. cold case sex assaults released #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouversexassault #pre-trialdetention #SexAssaultCharge #SexualAssault #arturogorjon #BailReform #sexassault #detention #ColdCase #gorjon #Crime #Bail
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouversexassault #pre #sexassaultcharge #sexualassault #arturogorjon #bailreform #sexassault #detention #ColdCase #gorjon #crime #Bail
As Trump walks free during his pre-trial arraignment on multiple felony charges, #ACLU outlines the horrors of regular people who die in jail before their trials because they can't afford $2500 or $3000 in bail. #BailReform
"Content warning: This piece includes disturbing details about the deaths of incarcerated people."
Free them! Ca. 1950s. #CatsOfYore #Cat #Cats #History #catsodon #catsofmastodon #catcontent #ilovecats #vintage #tabby #tabbies #kittens #bailreform
#catsofyore #cat #cats #history #catsodon #catsofmastodon #catcontent #ilovecats #vintage #tabby #tabbies #kittens #bailreform
The IL Supreme Court recently approved the elimination of cash bail in Illinois. A lot of commenters say we should look at California and New York to see the results of bail reform, which they claim is out-of-control crime. This is not true. There is no evidence that crime has increased in either CA or NY out of proportion with other states that have not enacted bail reform. The elimination of cash bail is a policy we should be celebrating as a victory for fairness. #endcashbail #bailreform
Voiceover announcer, with drama: Welcome to a forlorn hellscape, a place of fire, ash, and doom. You can trust no one, and no one will trust you, because all hope has abandoned here. It is Illinois after the elimination of cash bail... Wait, what? What is this bull@%$*? #EndCashBail #SafeTAct #PrisonReform #JailReform #BailReform
#bailreform #jailreform #prisonreform #safetact #endcashbail
In the USA, you can have it all -- beautiful home, top-notch education, health, care for your children -- if you have the money to fund it. Money rigs the legal system in your favor through lawyer fees and bail payments. Money is political speech. This is what we must fight. Bail reform through Illinois' SAFE-T Act is one small piece of eliminating the role of wealth in of our systems. #Illinois #SafeTActIllinois #BailReform
#bailreform #safetactillinois #illinois
Global News BC: ‘Prisoner in my own home’: Nanaimo residents hold another anti-crime rally #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Nanaimoanti-crimerally #BailReformLegislation #Nanaimopublicsafety #NanaimoCrimeRally #RepeatOffenders #Nanaimocrime #NanaimoRCMP #BailReform #DavidEby #NobbHill #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nanaimoanti #bailreformlegislation #nanaimopublicsafety #nanaimocrimerally #repeatoffenders #Nanaimocrime #NanaimoRCMP #bailreform #DavidEby #nobbhill #crime
There's something in here about nonprofit independence that is tickling my brain but I'm too tired from Hell Week to untangle it right now.
#bailreform #cashbailfunds #criminaljusticereform #nonprofits #philanthropy
I'm tweeting about #jails and #bail because (real, substantive) #bailreform is good for society and we need more of it. And I'm tweeting for upper middle class white people because we have a lot of power/positionality, and yet tend to be least knowledgeable about the issues.
I'm tweeting about #jails and #bail because (real, substantive) #bailreform is good for society and we need more of it. And I'm tweeting for upper middle class white people because we have a lot of power/positionality, and yet tend to be least knowledgeable about the issues.
Fooking Libs had to ruin a good thing:
#WashingtonDC had only 88 murders in 2012, the fewest since 1961 and a downright miraculous reduction from the 482 in 1991.
This year, #DC has recorded 71 #murders in - just the first four months!
#murderrate #bailreform #mpd #crime #murders #dc #washingtondc
Global News BC: Data showing frequent bail for accused repeat violent offenders reignites B.C. crime debate #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #repeatviolentoffenders #BCProsecutionService #breachconditions #RepeatOffenders #b.c.bailreform #detentionorder #ElenoreSturko #BailReform #NikiSharma #jailtime #Crime #Bail
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #repeatviolentoffenders #BCProsecutionService #breachconditions #repeatoffenders #b #detentionorder #elenoresturko #bailreform #nikisharma #jailtime #crime #Bail
Driving drunk, no license, no insurance, no license plates. He runs a stop sign, crash into a car. He then beats the driver he just hit to death, then robs him, rifles through the car for good, and finally leaves him for dead.
I bet you, he’s got kids with multiple women, all on #welfare!
#bailreform anyone? #ghetto #thugs
#thugs #ghetto #bailreform #welfare #superpredators
#WeSeeYou: DAASNY and #Bragg have not always been on the best of terms. The association is known for its fierce opposition to the kind of #criminaljustice #reforms that Bragg has championed – particularly the state’s 2019 #bailreform law. #AbolishThePrisons
#weseeyou #Bragg #criminaljustice #reforms #bailreform #abolishtheprisons
Governor Hochul and other NY Pols are trying to roll back bail reform and imprison more black and brown people in the hellhole that is #Rikers. Please NYers, and everyone, reach out and say no to this.
#CriminalLegalReform #BailReform #bail #law #LawFedi #InnocenceProject #takeaction #action
#rikers #criminallegalreform #bailreform #bail #law #lawfedi #InnocenceProject #takeaction #action
Right, New York legislators passed strong #BailReform in 2019 (weakened somewhat subsequently). The reform was and is fiercely opposed by most #Republicans.
What is still needed is a massive expansion of the judicial system to handle the backlog of cases, and a crackdown on prosecutorial delaying tactics. The constitutional right to a speedy trial, currently ignored, protects both the accused and society.
#news #politics #uspolitics #olurinatti #OlayemiOlurin #breadtube #bailreform
#news #politics #uspolitics #olurinatti #olayemiolurin #breadtube #bailreform
The cash bail system in the United States is based on the mistaken notion that, without holding someone’s money hostage, they wouldn’t show up for their court date. There’s not much evidence to support this, and ample evidence that, in effect, cash bail serves to allow poor people to be locked up without trial, simply because they are poor. When those people are being held in a place like Rikers – sometimes for years – the nightmarish conditions can drive them to suicide, or to giving a false confession just to be able to return to their lives in some way. Olayemi Olurin is among other things, an attorney and abolitionist who’s made a name for herself recently with her cutting political commentary. She’s been very vocal about the ongoing human rights violation that is the jail on Rikers Island, and this clip from her new show does a good job making the case to shut down Rikers, and end cash bail:
#rikers #bailreform #dueprocess #Justice #injustice