In preparation for Mastodon 4.2.0
I have gone ahead and added a new feature for the instance! 💜
🎉 ElasticSearch 🎉
By default, mastodon searching is limited to hashtags. With this feature we can search the full text from posts we have interacted with.
4.2.0 will be expanding this further to include posts we haven't interacted with which overall will improve discoverability!
to do on #bakasocial :
Download and re-upload all emoji on baka social with a standardized naming convention (like cat emojis starting with "cat_"
this so when you want to quick emote, they are very easy to bring up with ":" on desktop. Right now their names are kinda random
Me and w/ @BorknBandage being menaces 😈
A fediverse server for EN Vrchat Creators 🥰
#vrchat #vrc #bakasocial
OOH My favorite feature of upcoming Mastodon V 4.2.0
Hashtags at the bottom of a post will be split like this OwO.
Shoutout to ERPWhen on September's #bakasocial banner shot! 🥰🥰🥰 :nkoLove:
🐘: @ERPWhen
🐤: @ERPWhen
I recommend yall turn this off in Preferences-> Appearance if you dont want images cropped :3
As promised for #bakasocial
Mastodon server covenant pledge as well as a proof of reserves for 3 months 💜
The intent:
This is a BTC wallet/address that anyone can verify and see the balance and transaction history of whenever they wish!.
This way, if anything ever happened to me, the server does not need to worry about overnight shutdown for financial reasons.
Server Admins have been handed the seed phrase for this wallet for access. This is merely a precaution 💜
You know what would be fun?
If every month, the best picture by one of our members becomes the instance banner? :3
I submitted our server for the server list :nkoLove: #bakasocial
For Baka social peeps, rule #4 has a simple update :3
The purpose of the change is simple: We want to make sure any posts coming from baka social dont cause a "twitter like" experience where people should be afraid to browse our content in public. And as the post mentions, anyone who doesnt want to see blurrs can configure their preferences to always show your content anyways :3
I dont think this applies to current members, but still, just making sure I announce it :3 #bakasocial
Whenever mastodon patches the badge fixes (4.2.0 is the expected release) I think I will change up the instance to Assign verified creators a role as such, and then these creators can invite friends into the server themselves if they wish.
Friends+ instance kind of deal?
hmmmm 🤔🤔 #vrchat #BakaSocial
I have noticed some remote images having trouble loading for unknown reasons. I am reaching out to Our host to help looking into this :nkoLove:
If I ever get raided, We're good, we're cloud hosted 💀💀
With the banner change, we will be switching to a darker theme soon as well :3
Sometime this afternoon I believe :3
And we have a new banner/Logo! :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: #BakaSocial #vrchat #vrc 💜
New logo for #BakaSocial complete! :3
hmmm… I need to find some sort of image to place behind it for the banner though. Imma take some pics in vrc later today I think :D
Welp, the #bakasocial logo designs didnt quite look as good as I had hoped so I sat back down and really conceptualized what I would like our logo to look like.
I came up with a VERY detailed idea for a logo that really resonates with me and how I feel about Baka social, VR, and the VRchat creator community.
I am excited and hope it comes out as I imagine it :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove: :nkoLove:
If you are going to apply to #BakaSocial , you should definitely read the
And not make weird claims without backin em up