I was just tapping 'sturm und drang' into my phone to look up something and autocorrect changed it to 'sturm und frangipane'.
I know which one I prefer 😁
@Bakewelleyes Ohhh, my eyes! Going to see this beauty in March - if there's even a sniff of Bakewells around her I know who to blame! 🤣 🤣 #GirlWithAPearlEarring #GWAPE #Vermeer #bakewelltart
#bakewelltart #vermeer #gwape #girlwithapearlearring
So my neighbour, Del, makes a pretty mean Bakewell tart and it would appear that all I have to do is give him my excess red gooseberry harvest in order to get one! Yay! #food #foodporn #bakewelltart