Copernicus (Official) · @copernicus
187 followers · 173 posts · Server

I love that one of my musician friends who is otherwise much more conservative than me is enthusiastically support climate awareness in this clip I took a while back.

Sadly, some leftists I know still need convincing that is a prioritity, go figure.

Yes Virginia, the ice caps are melting. That sucks for everybody.

Spouting slogans and one-upmanship with how much you know about and and Mahknov don't change the fact that the is dying at the hands of rapacious and state socialist actors.

I am old enough to remember pretty much the birth of around the time became prominent and one of the best books to come out was The Mirror of Production in which " Jean examines the lessons of Marxism, which has created a productivist model and a fetishism of labor. He argues that we must break the mirror of production, which "reflects all of Western metaphysics," and free the Marxist logic from the restrictive context of political economy whence it was born."

#climate #kropotkin #bakhunin #malatesta #planet #capitalists #ecoanarchism #earthfirst #baudrillard

Last updated 2 years ago