Eierkoeken, literally ‘egg cakes’, are round, light and fluffy. Perfect for breakfast, morning tea or just in between. Who hasn't grown up with eierkoeken in The Netherlands?
We now stock the mix to bake your own, just add water and you will have approximately 15 egg cakes in no time!

#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #eierkoeken #dutchbaking #dutchinaustralia #bakingaustralia #bakingau #dutcheggcakes #aushopping #shoptasmania #shoptasmanian #bakingmix #bakingthelazyway

Last updated 1 year ago

Silver! So proud.. Our very own speculaas blend of 9 different spices has won silver in this year’s Tasmanian Fine Food Awards! Want to try them yourself? We have everything you need to start baking your own scrumptious speculaas biscuits. We promise that your house will smell absolutely delicious!

#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #speculaaskruiden #speculaasspices #biscuits #spices #madeintas #madeintasmania #tasmanianfinefoodawards #baking #australianfinefoods #bakingaustralia #madeinaustralia

Last updated 1 year ago