Der Dinkelsauerteig hat am Wochenende wieder spitzenmäßig performt. Brühstück aus altem Roggenbrötchen und Pita, dazu Dinkelvollkornmehl und die üblichen Verdächtigen: Salz, Malz, Rübensirup und Öl.
#leckeressen #lecker #essen #delicious #deliciousfood #food #backen #baking #bakingbread #bread #brotbacken #brot #vollkorn #vollkornbrot #wholegrain #wholegrains #wholegrainbread #spelt #shotonfairphone #speltbread #dinkel #dinkelbrot #küche #kitchen #kueche
#leckeressen #lecker #essen #delicious #deliciousfood #food #backen #baking #bakingbread #bread #brotbacken #brot #vollkorn #vollkornbrot #wholegrain #wholegrains #wholegrainbread #spelt #shotonfairphone #speltbread #dinkel #dinkelbrot #kuche #kitchen #kueche
Made a mistake: Told a friend about the really tasty low-histamine potato & white onion bread I baked. She's coming over next week, and now she wants to taste the bread as well… But his one won't last as long (we will finish it tomorrow). So I will have to bake a new one.
The only problem: It will be >30 °C next week, I'd prefer not to turn on the oven
#LuxuryProblems #SummerProblems #vegan #Baking #BakingBread #LowHistamine #Potato #PotatoProduct #Summer #Heat #ForTheAnimals
#luxuryproblems #summerproblems #vegan #baking #bakingbread #lowhistamine #potato #potatoproduct #summer #heat #fortheanimals
For the record, shower caps make great bowl covers so grab them!
George loves his 😂
#Sourdough #SourdoughBread #SourdoughBaking #BreadBaking #Bread #BakingBread #Baking #BakingTip
#sourdough #sourdoughbread #sourdoughbaking #breadbaking #bread #bakingbread #baking #bakingtip
Whole-wheat #sourdough. I’m on vacation in Germany, so diffent kitchen, different flour types, different oven, different kitchen gizmos, but at least I brought my own sourdough starter.
#sourdough #SundayBaking #bakingbread
#Today lunch was open faced grilled cheese with #sourdoughBread I made and #tomatoes I grew. After 5 years of almost invalid like immobility I am back baby!!
#bakingBread #Gardening Double #HipReplacement after long waiting list...
#hipreplacement #gardening #bakingbread #tomatoes #sourdoughbread #today
#BakeForUkraine on😃#BBCRadio4
#TheFoodProgramme #podcast!
On BBC Radio 4
Anyone can SUPPORT them via their WE AID page
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #relief #emergencyaid #radio #airplay #bread #baking #Sourdough #sourdoughbreadbaking #foodways #bakingbread #bakery #backen #brotbacken #sauerteig #education #recipe #socent #entrepreneur #startup #liveunited #unitedway #uplifting #inspiring #solution #giveback #news
#sauerteig #brotbacken #backen #sourdoughbreadbaking #foodways #sourdough #bbcradio4 #News #giveback #solution #inspiring #uplifting #unitedway #LiveUnited #startup #entrepreneur #socent #recipe #Education #bakery #bakingbread #baking #bread #Airplay #Radio #EmergencyAid #relief #humanitarian #yesweaid #Podcast #thefoodprogramme #bakeforukraine #goodnews
#bakingbread #sourdoughbread #sourdoughdon
Cinnamon Swirl Bread, Apple Swirl Bread
#sourdoughdon #sourdoughbread #bakingbread
#BakeForUkraine – an initiative supported by WE AID on another milestone – their successfully fundraised #mobileBakery #givingwork to more people:
"we had the #chance to collect enough funds to buy a MOBILE #BAKERY that could produce up to 2K loaves a day"
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #disasterrelief #disasteraid #helfen #socent #relief #bread #dough #baking #bakery #bakingbread #news
#News #bakingbread #baking #dough #bread #relief #socent #helfen #disasteraid #disasterrelief #humanitarian #yesweaid #bakery #chance #givingwork #mobilebakery #bakeforukraine #goodnews
Hier ist mal wieder #MidnightBaking angesagt. Habe eben den Vorteig für #Matnakash, armenisches Fladenbrot, angerührt und in den Kühlschrank verfrachtet, wo er für mindestens 12 Stunden. Morgen Abend versüßt uns das frisch gebackene Brot dann hoffentlich das Abendessen.
Schaut morgen im Laufe des Tages in meine Storys, da zeige ich dann mehr zum Backprozess. 😊 Diesmal habe ich die Teilname recht spontan entschieden und hatte keine große Zeit für Recherche und Änderungen, backe also stoisch das Rezept nach - ein Novum!
Das Fladenbrot wird im Rahmen von #synchronbackenDasOriginal auf Instagram gebacken. Hier könnt ihr in weitere Backstuben schnuppern, die ebenfalls dieses Rezept (in Variationen) backen.
#synchronbacken #Backen #Brotbacken #frischgebackenesBrot #Brot #BakingBread #Baking #frischesBrot #frischGebacken #BakingInProgress #Fladenbrot #armenischesBrot
#midnightbaking #matnakash #synchronbackendasoriginal #synchronbacken #backen #brotbacken #frischgebackenesbrot #brot #bakingbread #baking #frischesbrot #frischGebacken #bakinginprogress #fladenbrot #armenischesbrot
So the #bread which went wrong... but worked out nicely.
200g Emmer grain, home ground
100g Rice flour
550g strong white flour
12g Diastatic Malt powder
16g red label yeast
230g milk
385g water
20g honey
Bulk proofed at 29°C, then realised I'd forgotten the salt so added and remixed.
Baked for 40min at 160°C but added a further 20min because it looked too pale despite internal temp of 96°C.
It looks and feels sorta spongy but I really like it. It didn't rise further in the oven. Will make the same recipe in a few days with salt at start to see how different it turns out though.
#BakingBread #LoafStyle #Baking
#bread #bakingbread #loafstyle #baking
I think I have reached the next level of bread baking. More volume, an incredible crust and an evenly fluffiness. I am in bread heaven!
#bakingbread #sourdough #dutchoven
#bakingbread #sourdough #dutchoven
$0 #free #book: The Art of #Bread #Baking 2nd Edition: #Artisan Bread #Cookbook, Best Bread #Recipes, #Sourdough Book by jones, jenny.
#delete #deal #ebooks #ebook #cooking #bakingbread #baking @GettingCooked
#free #book #bread #baking #artisan #cookbook #recipes #sourdough #delete #deal #ebooks #ebook #cooking #bakingbread
Why oh why does baking a loaf of bread become so incredibly satisfying? #homemade #bakingbread
Why oh why does baking a loaf of bread become so incredibly satisfying? #homemade #bakingbread
Why oh why does baking a loaf of bread become so incredibly satisfying? #homemade #bakingbread