So many lovely fresh berries around right now. I made a berry tart. The pastry went wrong as pastry often does! But it tastes good! #baking #pie #berrypie #bakingfail #berries #summerberries #beginnerbaker
#baking #pie #berrypie #bakingfail #berries #summerberries #beginnerbaker
LOL ah yes. 8 years ago I was making bread and accidentally turned off the oven somehow when I set the timer. The yeast had a party in the dark warm space. :-p
So I'm stupid. I just baked some cranberry orange muffins, but I forgot to grease the fricken muffin pan, so now they're stuck to the pan, and when I tried to get them out, they broke. #BakingFail
There is no feasible way to pull out and tear a sheet of parchment paper and not disturb the kids practicing music in the next room...
I know this now...
My grandmother left me two recipes for a Lady Baltimore cake. I tried one today and it was an absolute nightmare. I am not sure anyone is going to eat this thing. We will see how it tastes—but I am not optimistic. I’ll post photos when I get over being annoyed about it. #baking #bakingfail
I had a small disagreement with the Bundt pan about how it prefers to be greased to release a cake. The second attempt was much more successful. Happy 12th birthday to my kiddo. #mamaturgy #baking #bakingfail
#mamaturgy #baking #bakingfail
That cake I made that one time... (I have done better, both before and since but sometimes it's just not your day.) #bakingfail #blobfish
Oh dear, back to the drawing board...
#bakingfail #breadbaking #sourdoughbread #sourdoughbaking #sourdough
I have probably made hundreds of loaves of bread in my life... today, for the first time, I forgot the yeast. 😅 I was wondering why it was taking so long to rise... and then it occurred to me I never added yeast. Gonna try to recover it. Wish me luck!
#baking #fails #BakingFail #bread #breadmaking #oops
#oops #breadmaking #bread #bakingfail #fails #baking
So todays baking adventures are NOT going well, but … that happens!
But the Quiche Lorraine is in the oven. On a tray because it was leaking slightly - oops!
Too much mixture for the shallow shortcrust shell (I could have used a smaller tin without the removable base, but I was not thinking ahead) has meant that I could be in for the dreaded… soggy bottom!
But I don’t care. I’m baking, I’m figuring out what to change next time.
And we’ll eat it anyway, I expect.
#GreatBritishBakeOff #SoggyBottom #quiche #BakingFail #Cooking#Baking #NotEnoughPastry
#greatbritishbakeoff #soggybottom #quiche #bakingfail #cooking #notenoughpastry
Why do silicone baking supplies exist? Is it just cos they look nice when new? They are terrible #bakingfail
Well, the Honey Jumbles were a fail. Or rather, a learning opportunity.
Several things added up to a less than brilliant biscuit:
- The bicarbonate of soda was old. I used some from a big box, and I think it had lost its leavening properties.
- When the recipe said to “roll each quarter of the dough into a sausage 1 cm thick”, my measurement must have been out. Very big Honey Jumbles! Which might have lead to the next problem…
- I slightly underbaked the biscuits. They are tricky - over bake them, and they become too hard, but they are very soft straight out of the oven, and firm up quite a lot overnight. Another two minutes or so next time.
- The icing was slightly too thick for easy spreading, and I misjudged the strength of the new food colouring, leading to a very unappealing colour on half the biscuits! “Rose Pink” was the desired colour - not the unfortunate “Antacid Medicine Pink” I ended tinting!
In the words of Cherish from “Bake Off:The Professionals”
“Cha la la la, I did not enjoy eating this at alllll…”
But never mind. I’m going to try again. Determined to conquer the #HoneyJumbles !
#Baking #cooking #BakingFail #biscuits #GreatBritishBakeOff #BakeOffTheProfessionals
#honeyjumbles #baking #cooking #bakingfail #biscuits #greatbritishbakeoff #bakeofftheprofessionals
Turns out you should believe the internet when it says mini muffins are 1/3 the size of a regular muffin instead of assuming they are really 1/2 the size.
#bakingfail #bakinglessons #minimuffins
#bakingfail Use $22 gluten free flour, only to forget to check the bourbon. That was an expensive screw up!
#BakingFail can anyone guess what this was *supposed* to be? Lol. Son learned some good lessons about early morning baking before his bus and why softened butter is important.
@Violinknitter Tee hee! I started baking cakes from scratch when I was about 8. Unfortunately, one time I decided to make a marbled layer cake for my sibling's birthday... and forgot all leavening agents. The entire cake, including frosting, was less than 2" thick... And then I tripped, carrying it out to the deck where we were eating, and faceplanted into it. #BakingFail
Recipes that call for bringing 2 sticks of butter to room temperature by leaving on the counter only 15 minutes, obviously do not know that I keep my house at temperatures equivalent to the planet Hoth.
2 days would be insufficient time to warm sticks of butter to the temperature necessary for baking...
My second attempt to make my favourite Christmas cookies after the first ended up in uncontrolled pyrolisis. #ChemistsWhoCook #bakingfail
Too tired to craft today, hoping to be alive for tomorrow's minis painting session at the office. In the mean while, have some speedy fruit cake I failed to turn out last night. It's massacred, but delicious and LOADED with rum
#ItDoesntHaveToBePerfectItJustHasToBeSomething #bakingfail but also #bakingsuccess it was an entirely measureless bake using half a loaf of old molasses bread and instinct
(some credit to being inspired by watching Claire Saffitz do a fruit cake)
#itdoesnthavetobeperfectitjusthastobesomething #bakingfail #bakingsuccess