What’s the difference between a babka, a balaclava, and a baklava? I will just buy all three to be sure. That and a pair of ski goggles will make it safe to walk to shul! (I already have winter boots, snow pants, mittens, and a parka.) #babka #babkaPosting #balaclava #baklava #balalaika
#babka #babkaposting #balaclava #baklava #balalaika
#introduction to another balding white dude with a beard
And yes, I'm working on a podcast. More on that later
#musician = #ukulele #guitar #balalaika #charango
#telecommunications #technician
My #activism is local and is #donate #money to feed people and #time to the #schools #dadlife #husband #skeptic
#hobbies = #kerbalspaceprogram #youtuber #homeowner
I live in a 211ish year #old home #lovemydog #lovemyfamily
#liberal but not #leftwing and if you didn't #youshouldhavevotedforhillaryclinton
#introduction #musician #ukulele #guitar #balalaika #charango #telecommunications #technician #activism #donate #money #time #schools #dadlife #husband #skeptic #hobbies #kerbalspaceprogram #youtuber #homeowner #old #lovemydog #lovemyfamily #liberal #leftwing #youshouldhavevotedforhillaryclinton
Been a huge influx of new users on here so I thought I'd do this again.
Hello this is my #introduction
I'm just a forty year old guy bumbling through life enjoying #craftbeer #beer #ale (in moderation) #filmphotography #knitting #cinema #reading ( I love the #discworld series) #art generally keeping my hands busy and I'm not doing enough #cycling (exploring the #RLP and further bits of #Germany) and #running (when my knees show) I enjoying #music and try to play pub classics on my #balalaika
#balalaika #music #running #Germany #rlp #cycling #art #discworld #reading #cinema #knitting #filmphotography #ale #beer #craftbeer #introduction
What you can do with three strings.
[Video clip of classic Russian folk song Kalinka played on a Balalaika]