Resting In Child’s Pose With Fibromyalgia
In many able-bodied yoga classes (I use that term to differentiate from accessible/chronic illness aware yoga classes.) yoga instructors tell students they can "rest in child's pose" if they can't perform a pose or variation or fee
#ChronicPain #YogaPoses #arthritis #Blsana #balasana #Child039sPose #ChronicPain #fibromyalgia #HipPain #LumbarAthritis #SacroilliacJoint
#chronicpain #YogaPoses #arthritis #Blsana #balasana #Child039sPose #fibromyalgia #HipPain #LumbarAthritis #SacroilliacJoint
100 Day Challenge to myself Days 39 and 40
Teochew words of the day
瑜伽 ru5 gia1: (loanword) Yoga
健身 giang6 sing1: Healthy
#yoga #balasana #childspose #healthy #teochew #mothertongue #motherlanguage #language #wordoftheday #100daychallenge #handwriting #calligraphy #瑜伽 #健身 #潮州話 #母語 #語言 #今天的詞 #一百天挑戰 #書道 #書法
#書法 #書道 #一百天挑戰 #今天的詞 #語言 #母語 #潮州話 #健身 #瑜伽 #calligraphy #handwriting #100daychallenge #wordoftheday #language #motherlanguage #mothertongue #teochew #healthy #childspose #balasana #yoga