OK, correction: pidgey left the nest for a short moment and I thing I saw something little moving. Ahhhh!!!!! #BalconyPidgey
#BalconyPidgey is moving around in the nest quite a lot. Is something happening? (aka chicks hatching?)
I'm expecting the chicks every day now. #BalconyPidgey #BirdsOfMastodon #pidgeon
#balconypidgey #birdsofmastodon #pidgeon
I get critical side eyes from #BalconyPidgey outside. What did I do wrong? 😱 I'm just chilling 😭
And now it's cooing. I never found out why wood pidgeons coo. I know for the standard city dove it's mating behavior. But my pidgeon is just sitting in the nest & incubating eggs.
Today frontal facing #BalconyPidgey #pidgeon #BirdsOfMastodon
#balconypidgey #pidgeon #birdsofmastodon
Da sonnst du dich nichts ahnend auf dem Balkon und plötzlich rumst es neben dir auf der Brüstung und 1 dickes Taubsi landet zum Schichtwechsel am Nest. #BalconyPidgey
#BalconyPidgey examining me while I rudely trasspass into their home (aka my balcony)
For those wondering what I mean by that hashtag. Jep, literally that. There are wood pidgeons nesting on my balcony for the third time in a row by now. #pidgeon #BirdsOfMastodon
#balconypidgey #pidgeon #birdsofmastodon
Seems like #BalconyPidgey is now sitting on the nest instead of just visiting it. Which is a tiny problem because I wanted to get the balcony ready for spring before that happens so to not disturb them too much 😅 But that also means eggies!! 🥳 #birdsOfMastodon #pidgeon
#balconypidgey #birdsofmastodon #pidgeon
#BalconyPidgey parents came for a short visit. They used my overflooded flowerpots as a bath. Def seems like I don't think of what to plant in the flower pot this year as well. They already decided for me: new chicks 🥺🥰😍 #pidgeon #pidgeons #BirdsOfMastodon
#balconypidgey #pidgeon #pidgeons #birdsofmastodon
Exciting news everyone! My #BalconyPidgey|s came back for a visit today! I hoped they would return but was not sure.
For context: last year a wood #pidgeon couple nested twice on my balcony, each time successfully with two chicks, cuteuggly little aliens :blobhaj_melty_crush: :blobhaj_plead1: #birdcontent
#balconypidgey #pidgeon #birdcontent