@uspolitics #BaldSinema is a pilot and condones Sinema's lethal Greed/corruption. #Arizona
Okay, #MarkKelly endorsed former state Dem Chair Raquel TerĂ¡n for Congress. Now do the same for #RubenGallegoForSenate and stop acting like #BaldSinema.
#baldsinema #rubengallegoforsenate #markkelly
State of mind is a thing I have control over, it's a struggle wanting to have input in #democracy when "deliberative" higher body in DC is fascist. Though #MarkKelly AZ is not committee chair, why can't he at least advocate publicly on behalf of Arizonans as a moral leader for real gun reform? Did he lose bone mass in his spine while on space missions? #WTF #BaldSinema #Durbin #Schumer #SineMAGA #Nashville #Kids #EthansLaw #gunreformnow #BanAR Silence of good men pleases #ChamberOfCarbon?!
#chamberofcarbon #banar #gunreformnow #EthansLaw #Kids #Nashville #sinemaga #schumer #durbin #baldsinema #WTF #markkelly #Democracy