Where #LLM large language models and #markup collide https://dubinko.consulting/2023/08/balisage-llms/ a great summary from
M.Joel Dubinko
On discussions about #xml and #generativeAI
#balisage #llm #markup #xml #generativeAI
Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science. SPECTACULAR!
Laura Randall: Retraction Watch had a great post about this issue in their "Happy 13th Birthday to us" post this week: https://retractionwatch.com/2023/08/03/happy-13th-birthday-retraction-watch-another-eventful-year/
New phrase for us all: “mixed element content”, intended roughly to indicate that, for child elements:
- child names are not all the same
- order of children is significant
- each child element may occur more than once
M Kay: Nobody will write JSON by hand and the chat is full of “I do” and “Is there any other way?”
Typefi showing red-lining on documents, but also a side-by-side comparison with a two-language standards document (Showed Word and NISO STS XML and now DITA)
Geert: Most of the "content-checks" have grown out of [user] frustration. Dal: The best kind of checking. Take away what you can to end the users pain! #balisage
Schematron Users, provide feedback. The issue: Tony Graham: "Provide option to deactivate if-then-else processing of rules" . Andrew. Sales: "issue 25", for ref: https://github.com/Schematron/schematron-enhancement-proposals/issues/25
Do we need this? Provide feedback. #balisage
Tony Graham: Sometimes [I] just accumulate stuff in a mode that generates no result, then generate a report or reuse accumulator data with a second pass. #balisage
A Balisage attendee: "I've never used Accumulators before, but now I am going to." - so say we all. #balisage
Amanda Galtman has us all mentally revising our previous XSLT and Schematron to better use accumulators. Nice job, Amanda #balisage
Matt Patterson
The big realisation I had when trying to figure out [Microcomp and locator codes] was that it probably started with driving a phototypesetter, so a lot of the weirdness is about picking which type grid to expose characters from… #balisage. Yeah, typsetting lingers on --dal
Joel Kalvesmaki went through the code pages by hand, trying to map the characters to Unicode. Sometimes documents have needed a change in that decision. #balisage (what work!)
Bethan Tovey-Walsh
A maths student in my undergrad year once told me “I’m really good at poetry, but I wanted to study a subject that’s an intellectual challenge”.
(He then read me a lot of his poetry. Reader, he was not really good at poetry.) #balisage
Software Engineering is providing effective solutions to over-constrained problems - Mathling at Balisage #balisage
Comme toujours, du contenu bien intéressant à la conférence #Balisage #xml https://www.balisage.net/2023/Program.html
#Balisage https://www.balisage.net/ kicked off with Allan Renear today - highly recommend Balisage for people interested in declarative document markup, XML, SGML, text processing, documents as objects of study (both business and academic).