Už mám sepsaný "deníček" z poloviny výletu, hurá!
15. den jsme projížděli přes a kolem nádherného národního parku Sutjeska.
Terén místy masakr, ale vlastně jsem podobně brutálních pasáží čekal víc :)
Více fotek a zápisek na webu: https://zahorami.cz/2023/07/balkanske-cyklodobrodruzstvi-2023-zapisky-z-cesty/#15_den_Bosna_Sutjeska
#bosna #balkan #kolo #bikepacking #hory #sutjeska #dobrodruzstvi #traily
#bosna #balkan #kolo #bikepacking #hory #sutjeska #dobrodruzstvi #traily
Backup Nr.8 of "Map of #AustriaHungary in the late #19thcentury , showing the major divisions #cisleithania and #transleithania as well as their subdivisions, also showing co-administered #bosnia and indicating the then-recently lost #LombardyVenice "
#maps #map #HistoricalMaps #history #europe #austria #hungary #ukraine #czechia #slovakia #slovenia #italy #romania #croatia #balkan #danube #victorian #tirol #Moldovia #moldova #moldawien #osterreich #ungarn #magyarorszag #histodon #histodons
#austriahungary #19thcentury #cisleithania #transleithania #bosnia #lombardyvenice #maps #map #HistoricalMaps #History #Europe #austria #hungary #Ukraine #czechia #SLOVAKIA #slovenia #italy #Romania #croatia #balkan #danube #victorian #tirol #moldovia #moldova #moldawien #osterreich #ungarn #magyarorszag #histodon #histodons
ach ich habe hier mal wieder ein pracht #exemplat einer baldigen #politikerin gefunden hier #schweiz.
gerade wollen viele #secondos in die #politik und so eine #qualitätszeitung macht werbung für sie....
eine will rein und fordert
"Teilnahme am EU-Binnenmarkt und NATO-Kooperationen"
begründung - weil das themen sind die die leute im balkan interessiert....
kann mal jemand diesem intelligenzbestie sagen das Schweiz nicht #Balkan ist? #kicher vermutlich geschlafen in #geografie
#exemplat #politikerin #schweiz #secondos #politik #qualitatszeitung #balkan #kicher #geografie
V půlce července jsme vyrazili na měsíční bikepackingovou expedici napříč Balkánem. Z Maďarska až do Albánie. Nakonec to bylo přes 1100 km naprosto nechutné kopce po cestě. Terén, výzvy, nejistota… A bylo to super.
Jak se nám šlapalo? Zde je deníček z prvních dní:
#cestovani #dobrodruzstvi #balkan #bikepacking #kolo #hory
Les dirigeants des Balkans signent une déclaration de soutien à Kiev :
Poutine est un grand stratège 😑
„Einmal #Balkan, immer Balkan“
Nicht zu Treffen eingeladen: Albaniens Premier macht Balkanmentalität verantwortlich – EURACTIV.de
Ein Urlaubsfoto aus den albanischen Alpen: die europäische Hornotter, lat. Vipera ammodytes. Das Vorkommen Erstreckt sich vom Süden Österreichs über den #Balkan bis Griechenland. Gefährdet und geschützt nach der FFH-Richtlinie und der Berner Konvention. Die #Schlange ist giftig, aber wie bei dieser Begegnung flieht sie im Normalfall vor Menschen.
#artenkenntnis #Naturbeobachtung #snakes
#balkan #Schlange #artenkenntnis #Naturbeobachtung #snakes
#Europa heute: Ziel #Albanien - Immer mehr Italiener zieht es auf den #Balkan
RT Albania in Bulgaria 🇦🇱
Ambassador @DonikaHoxha visited Momchilgrad town in south 🇧🇬 and met w/ t Mayor Ilknur Kyazim, within the framework of the 14th International Meeting of the citizens "#Balkan Evening of Tolerance". They discussed how to foster bilateral relations w/ similar 🇦🇱 cities
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AlEmbBulgaria/status/1683823834716045312
"We may be different, we come from different places and we may organize in different ways but we all share the same passion for freedom and the struggle for life and dignity. For us it is completely clear: everywhere in the world – from the Balkans to Russia and the Ukraine – the enemy is capital and the state; enemies of the peoples everywhere sit in banks and in parliaments!", from the the Final Statement of the #Balkan #Anarchist #Bookfair
#balkan #Anarchist #bookfair #bab2023
Greek Seas: Europe’s Largest Migrant Cemetery https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/greek-seas-europes-largest-migrant-cemetery/ #Borders_&_Migration #Global #Adriana #Aegean_Sea #afghanistan #athens #Balkan #border #border_security #deterrence #driftback #Egypt #EU #fences #frontex #greece #greek_coast #greek_coast_guard #kalamata #keerfa #Libya #Malakasa_Refugee_Camp #migrants #pakistan #pushback #pushbacks #refugees #Syria #thessaloniki #Turkey #turkiye #turkiye
#Borders_ #global #adriana #aegean_sea #afghanistan #athens #balkan #border #border_security #deterrence #driftback #egypt #eu #fences #frontex #greece #greek_coast #greek_coast_guard #kalamata #KEERFA #libya #malakasa_refugee_camp #migrants #pakistan #pushback #pushbacks #refugees #syria #Thessaloniki #turkey #turkiye
Morgen noch 200km bis nach Kroatien, dann sind wir nach grad mal 2 Wochen und 2000 km auch schon in Land 5 unserer Balkanrunde und leider schon wieder aufm Heimweg. Irgendwie geht mir das alles viel zu schnell, aber vor allem isses uns viel zu warm.
#motorradurlaub #balkan
🚨Nu op Donau: China is op zoek naar een goedkopere manier om de Europese afzetmarkt te bereiken. Welke politieke motieven heeft #China op de #Balkan? https://www.donaustroom.eu/chinese-investeringen-vormen-geen-serieuze-bedreiging-voor-de-onafhankelijkheid-van-de-balkanstaten/
I think Farya Faraji's ethnic music project could have a very healing impact. A lot of us have been starving for this kind of thing. Something of the past that hasn't been Hollywoodized.
#Culture, #Music, #Balkan, #Byzantine, #ethnic folk, #Ethnic Music, #ethnomusicology, #FaryaFaraji, #Greek, #MiddleEastern, #Persian, #Turkish, #WorldMusic
#culture #music #balkan #byzantine #ethnic #ethnomusicology #faryafaraji #greek #middleeastern #persian #turkish #worldmusic
I have quite a lot more followers than I did when I first wrote my introduction, so it’s only fair that I’m writing a new one, bump up the major version.
#introduction #intro #introductions
Hi! o/
I am Ștefan (ș as sh, I also accept Stephan or the equivalent in your language). I’m 21 years old, ♑, he/him, proud #leftist and soon to graduate CS @ UVABc. Sort of proudly living in #romania. My native language is Romanian, fairly proficient at English, slowly learning #finnish (and #italian).
Tried a lot of programming languages in my childhood up until now, a non-chronological list of ones that stuck with me for one reason or another being: VB6 (that’s what I started on at 8 years old), #pascal (+ #freepascal and #delphi), #perl (+ #raku), #tcl #tcltk, #lisp (usually #scheme, on a good day #elisp #emacslisp and #commonlisp), #elixir, #php, #forth, #lua, #oberon, #modula-2, #cpp #c++, #ocaml, #fsharp, #smalltalk (+ #squeak #pharo #self), #ada, #powershell, #dart, #matlab, #rlang, #zig, #nim, #cobol and #julia. I don’t claim full proficiency in all of these, but I’m familiar enough with these (+ some others not mentioned here) that I could get along just fine with 2 weeks at most of studying and looking through cookbooks and examples). I’m flexible in learning new languages and technologies if needed.
I also do #sudoku and #math for fun (especially functional equations and number theory problems, sometimes calculus and geometric algebra). I am interested in #linguists, #conlangs (#lojban and #esperanto) and #nlp, contemporary (post-‘45, usually post-‘89 for me) history, #balkan history, lower-level stuff (I like to learn about how tools around me work, I’m most interested in #compilers, #emulators and #microcontrollers), #typography and #latex, #linux + #bsd, #msdos, #amiga, #oberon, #plan9, #philosophy, #astronomy (especially in a worldbuilding context) and #philosophy, along with other less notable interests.
I engage in #politics relatively often irl, although I’m not inserting it in absolutely every scenario in my life. As I mentioned, I’m a #leftist and #progressive (or… um… #woke) (Nazis and fascists can have a merry fuck off, DNI with me). I am also a spiritual person, a #deist (if you really want to put it that way, an agnostic, although it’s not quite true) and I find #astrology and #tarot interesting (I’ll let you guess my moon and ascendant, let’s see how close you are).
With that being said, I hope I’m welcome here, you can pick your subset of things that interest you from this list, you have plenty of options. :P Quite a bit longer than last time, but oh well…
#introduction #intro #introductions #leftist #romania #finnish #italian #pascal #delphi #tcltk #elisp #freepascal #perl #elixir #php #forth #modula #fsharp #smalltalk #squeak #pharo #self #amiga #plan9 #philosophy #astronomy #politics #progressive #woke #tarot #tcl #lisp #scheme #raku #emacslisp #commonlisp #lua #oberon #cpp #c #ocaml #ada #powershell #dart #matlab #rlang #zig #nim #cobol #julia #sudoku #math #linguists #conlangs #lojban #esperanto #nlp #balkan #compilers #emulators #microcontrollers #typography #latex #linux #bsd #msdos #deist #astrology
Migrationsgipfel in Wien: Treffen der Hardliner
Betont geschlossen gaben sich Vucic, Nehammer und Orban beim Migrationsgipfel in Wien. Serbiens Präsident wie die Regierungschefs aus Österreich und Ungarn betonen, ein Problem zu teilen: die Migrationspolitik der EU.
#osterreich #serbien #ungarn #balkan #migration