#OTD Aug 21, 1805
August #Bournonville was born in Copenhagen. The uninterrupted tradition of his major works (mainly at Royal Danish #Ballet) provides a fascinating insight into 19C #ballet aesthetics with its important role of miming (which is great when done well)
#ballethistory #ballet #bournonville #otd
#OTD April 22, 1884
Marie #Taglioni died in Marseille. She became famous for her light, aerial way of dancing and the use of pointe dance as means of expression not just as a technical trick.
#ballet #ballethistory
#ballethistory #ballet #taglioni #otd
#OTD January 12, 1808
Paul #Taglioni was born in Vienna. He not only became an important #choreographer & #ballet director but also successfully fought for royalties for his ballets similar to plays & operas.
#ballethistory #ballet #Choreographer #taglioni #otd
I knew it. James just had had too much booze (probably whisky rather than champagne) when the Sylphide appeared in his dreams ...
Wishing you a very happy New Year!
(Left: Marie & Paul #Taglioni in La #Sylphide, 1834; #ballethistory;
Right: postcard, c. 1900)
#ballethistory #sylphide #taglioni
#OTD Nov 30, 1879
Choreographer (and #opera director) August #Bournonville died in Copenhagen.
Despite all the changes in #ballet technique & aesthetics since then his surviving oeuvre like #Sylphide, Napoli, Folk Tale, Kermesse in Bruges is our window into the C19.
#ballethistory #theatrehistory
#theatrehistory #ballethistory #sylphide #ballet #bournonville #opera #otd
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#OTD November 27, 1884
Fanny #Elssler died in Vienna.
Praised for her "tacqueté" style of dancing with "steps that bite the stage", as a critic put it, she represents the down to earth side of Romantic #Ballet with its colourful national and character #dance s
#ballethistory #theatrehistory
#theatrehistory #ballethistory #dance #ballet #elssler #otd
I think I should introduce myself to Mastodon with a few pics of #ballethistory