Finally my second crochet project is done. I have been busy with my daughter's ballet competition season until last week, so it was kind of left forgotten.
My daughter is very happy to have her new ballet warmup top.
#ballet #balletmom #balletwarmup #handmade #crochet
Two down and one more show for my daughter's Nutcracker. It's a big day since she will be doing Clara in Act 2. 💪 I will be in the control room doing sound and giving cues.
I know she will do great 😊
My daughter has been dancing at the Stanford Shopping Mall this weekend to do a little preview of the Nutcracker.
Girls want to end the event with some Boba tea or frozen yogurt, so what was supposed to be an hour event tends to become a bit longer...
#dancers #dancemom #teenparents #balletmom #ballet