Ball lightning, a rare and mysterious phenomenon, has been observed and recorded by scientists in China. They used a spectrometer to capture the optical spectrum of a natural ball lightning event that lasted for 1.64 seconds. Their findings suggest that ball lightning is a result of vaporized soil and oxides, rather than plasma or antimatter. #BallLightning #Science #Mystery
#balllightning #science #mystery
Skeptoid #192: Ball Lightning by Brian Dunning #balllightning #nikolatesla #pseudoscience #weirdphenomena #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Everyone believes in ball lightning, but when we stick to the science, there's probably nothing there.
#balllightning #nikolatesla #pseudoscience #weirdphenomena #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
The Green Comet Experience
Are you interested in lucid dreaming or ball lightning? How about the feet of geckos or spiders? The aquatic ape? Cave art? Maybe you like clouds. You mi
#AquaticApe #BallLightning #CaveArt #clouds #CollectiveNouns #GeckoFeet #greencomet #LucidDreaming #NearDeathExperience #OBE #SpiderFeet #synesthesia
#aquaticape #balllightning #caveart #clouds #collectivenouns #geckofeet #greencomet #luciddreaming #neardeathexperience #obe #spiderfeet #synesthesia
Skeptoid #38: The Marfa Lights: A Real American Mystery by Brian Dunning #marfalights #ghostlights #balllightning #marfa #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot No matter how much we want these Texas ghost lights to be mysterious, it turns out they're all too mundane.
#marfalights #ghostlights #balllightning #marfa #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Commencer #CixinLiu #BallLightning à 3h du mat. Trouver ça un peu mou. Et quand ça commence à devenir intéressant, c'est vraiment l'heure de dormir. Allez,.bonne nuit, je vais écouter la pluie tomber avec de lointains coups de tonnerre, merci YT, c'est devenu ma berceuse.
#LunchtimeReading : Cixin Liu's Ball Lightning, the pick for this month's #Edinburgh SF Book Group, which meets last Tuesday of each month.
#AmReading #books #ScienceFiction #CixinLiu #livres #BallLightning #lunch #dejeuner
#dejeuner #lunch #balllightning #livres #cixinliu #sciencefiction #books #amreading #edinburgh #lunchtimereading
Ball Lightning – Part Three
See also parts one and two.
It's been awhile since I made a regular post, what with the release of the reading and all
#Uncategorized #balllightning
Ball Lightning – Part Two
See also parts one and three.
By the vocal demand of loyal readers, we will explore ball lightning in more detail. The or
#Uncategorized #balllightning
Ball Lightning
See also parts two and three.
Ball lightning is still a mystery. One thing it certainly is not is evidence of paranormal activity. But what it
#Uncategorized #balllightning