...natürlich macht das Abdekorieren viel mehr Spaß als der Aufbau. 😇
...of course the tear-down is much more fun than the set-up. 😇
#balloondecoration #balloons #balloonart #popping #luftballons #peng #platzenlassen
#balloondecoration #balloons #balloonart #popping #luftballons #peng #platzenlassen
(werbung) Mein anderer Berufszweig - professionelle Ballondekorationen. Für Feiern, Eröffnungen, TV-Produktionen, Events.
My other profession - commercial balloon decorator. For celebrations, openings, TV productions, events.
#balloondecoration #balloons #balloonart #luftballons #ballondekorationen
#balloondecoration #balloons #balloonart #luftballons #ballondekorationen
Oooh my favorite - and maybe the world's best - balloon artist gets an article in the Guardian!!!! I follow him on Tumblr.
#isopresso #masayoshimatsumoto #balloonart
@vihart Have you seen Matt Parker's Hexasticks construction out of 72 pencils from some years ago? I built it back in the day, and it reminds me of your #balloonArt ;)
Two more balloon sculptures to share today! The one made of 6 woven squares was the easiest for me to wrap my head around weaving, so I've included some instructions in case anyone wants to give it a go.
#math #art #mathart #balloonart
I guess I was over the Mathematical Balloon Twisting phase of my life by the time I started getting some internet reach, so I never shared much of it online. But it used to be my go-to for workshops and public engagement.
No time like the present? Let's start with this arrangement of 6 balloons, each twisted into a pentagon and interlocked with icosahedral symmetry.
#math #art #mathart #balloonart