@juletonesart Daily Sketches
"I have a saved folder here on Instagram, where I save (not often enough) images that I think I can use to kickstart my creative juices when they’re being sluggish. I finally remembered to use my inspiration folder! This is sketched from the very first image I saved in that folder. Can you guess what it is?"
#sketch #dailysketch #sketchdaily #ballpointpen #ballpointpendrawing #curlycues #abstract #abstractart
#abstractart #Abstract #curlycues #ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpen #sketchdaily #dailysketch #Sketch
@juletonesart Daily Sketches
"I got out my stencils for a different idea… which after not having great success, realized I’m going to have to approach that idea differently. So for today, here’s some ripples, clam shells, storm systems?"
#sketch #sketchdaily #dailysketch #ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing
#ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpenart #ballpointpen #dailysketch #sketchdaily #Sketch
Drinks diary 12 & 17 April 2014: travel mug coffee in a hospital waiting room with an extensive list of things forbidden entry; Tim Hortons takeout coffee at a meeting that did not turn out to be the best ever but was mostly fine. #drawing #sketchbook #DrinksDiary #BallpointPenDrawing #coffee
#drawing #sketchbook #drinksdiary #ballpointpendrawing #coffee
@juletonesart Daily Sketches
"WIP. Ran out of time to finish filling in all those wires. Wow! Seriously, once I started following them all in order to draw them, I realized just how many there were.
I had a lot of fun sketching the poles. Very quick & dirty."
#sketch #dailysketch #sketchdaily #ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing #powerlines #powerlinesporn #powerlinesofinstagram #lineslineslines
#lineslineslines #powerlinesofinstagram #powerlinesporn #powerlines #ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpenart #ballpointpen #sketchdaily #dailysketch #Sketch
@juletonesart Daily Sketches
"These lines have been kicking around in my head for a couple days. I was trying to make them wait to be painted, because I picture them over a borderline neon sunset…. But they did not want to wait. Also, they have been pitch black in my head all this time, but wanted to be translucent today. What can you do? Art is moody sometimes 😂. I dig the result though!"
#sketch #sketchdaily #dailysketch #lineslineslines #ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing
#ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpenart #ballpointpen #lineslineslines #dailysketch #sketchdaily #Sketch
@juletonesart Daily Sketches
"I wasn’t feeling inspired at all this morning, so I decided to do a hand study… judging by the wonkiness of it… I should do these a lot more often 😆."
#dailysketch #sketchaday #sketchdaily #art #artistsoninstagram #artoftheday #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpensketch #hand #handstudy
#handstudy #hand #ballpointpensketch #ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpenart #artoftheday #artistsoninstagram #Art #sketchdaily #sketchaday #dailysketch
Stark's suit
#Drawing #Illustration #Art #Comics #PeterParker #PenDrawing #BallPointPen #BallpointPenDrawing #BicPen #SpiderMan #IronSpider #JoeQuesada #MarkMillar #StanLee #SteveDitko
#drawing #illustration #art #comics #peterparker #pendrawing #ballpointpen #ballpointpendrawing #bicpen #spiderman #ironspider #joequesada #markmillar #stanlee #steveditko
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #albertjamesmoriarty #lewisjamesmoriarty #williamjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #ウィリアムジェームズモリアーティ #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #lewisjamesmoriarty #williamjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #ウィリアムジェームズモリアーティ #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #albertjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #憂国のモリアーティ
llustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #albertjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #lewisjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #憂国のモリアーティ
llustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #lewisjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #sherlockholmes #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #williamjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #ウィリアムジェームズモリアーティ #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #albertjamesmoriarty #williamjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #ウィリアムジェームズモリアーティ #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #jackrenfield #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #ジャックレンフィールド #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #zachpatterson #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #ザックパターソン #憂国のモリアーティ
illustration of the past
#illustration #ballpointpendrawing #animation #manga #albertjamesmoriarty #moriartythepatriot #ボールペン画 #憂国のモリアーティ