We're thrilled to see Kerr Houston's perceptive review of Lost Boys: Amos Badertscher's Baltimore in today's BmoreArt! This poignant exhibition continues through December 15 —
#baltimorephotography #baltimoreart #artsatumbc #umbc
Amos Badertscher's photography, now on display at UMBC's Library Gallery, is meaningful on so many levels. Listen to WYPR's Sheilah Kast talk today with curator Beth Saunders about the exhibit Lost Boys —
#amosbadertscher #baltimore #baltimoreart #umbc
What awaits you at Mind Over Matter, now on display at UMBC's Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture?
The exhibition is now open and continues through May 3, and you can join us for an Opening Reception tomorrow, Friday, April 14, from 6 to 8!
This MFA exhibition features works by Liza Aleinikova, Fahmida Hossain, and Anna Kroll, all 2023 graduates of UMBC's IMDA program.
#baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #umbc
Join us tomorrow Tues 3/29 at noon (free with lunch included!) for Annalisa Dias, a Goan-American transdisciplinary artist, community organizer, and award-winning theatre maker working at the intersection of racial justice and care for the earth.
#annalisadias #baltimoreart #artsatumbc #umbc
Tonight! Join us Thurs, 3/16, 6 to 8 pm, for On Institutions (Dub Remix), a celebratory closing event for the exhibition Tahir Hemphill: Rap Research Lab, featuring a discussion of the exhibition with the artist and CADVC director and exhibition curator Rebecca Uchill. A 6 p.m. discussion will be followed by an open gallery visit accompanied by a live DJ set at 7 p.m. by CX Kidtronik.
#umbc #artsatumbc #baltimoreart #baltimoreartist #rapresearchlab #rap #hiphop
#hiphop #Rap #rapresearchlab #baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #artsatumbc #umbc
Join us today (Saturday, 2/25, 1 pm at UMBC's Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture) for When Public Art Is More Than Sculpture, a discussion between four leading voices in the Baltimore arts community — painter and environmental engineer Se Jong Cho; poet and educator Sylvia Jones; public artist Graham Coreil-Allen; and Teri Henderson, arts and culture editor of Baltimore Beat, facilitated by Rahne Alexander, MFA ’21.
#publicart #baltimoreart #artsatumbc #umbc
The exhibition Sonya Clark: Hair/Craft continues at UMBC's Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery through March 12! Clark's remarkable and multidisciplinary work explores issues of identity, race, cultural heritage, and collective memory.
#sonyaclark #baltimoreart #artsatumbc #umbc
The exhibition Sonya Clark: Hair/Craft continues at UMBC's Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery through March 12! Clark's remarkable and multidisciplinary work explores issues of identity, race, cultural heritage, and collective memory.
#sonyaclark #baltimoreart #artsatumbc #umbc
WTMD talks with The Baltimore Banner's Lawrence Burney about Tahir Hemphill: Rap Research Lab, on display at UMBC's Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture through 3/18!
#umbc #cadvc #baltimoreart #baltimoreartist #artsatumbc #tahirhemphill #rap #hiphop
#hiphop #Rap #tahirhemphill #artsatumbc #baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #cadvc #umbc
On display at UMBC's Library Gallery thru 3/12, work Aaron Siskind, one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century — free admission!
#artsatumbc #aaronsiskind #baltimoreart #umbc
We're thrilled to see Tahir Hemphill: Rap Research Lab listed in BmoreArt's picks of the week!
The exhibition opens today 1/31 and continues through 3/16 at UMBC's Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture. More at https://umbc.edu/event/tahir-hemphill-rap-research-lab/
#umbc #artsatumbc #tahirhemphill #rap #hiphop #baltimoreart #baltimoreartist #cadvc #tahirhemphill #rapresearchlab
#rapresearchlab #cadvc #baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #hiphop #Rap #tahirhemphill #artsatumbc #umbc
A BmoreArt pick of the week! Mandy Morrison, M.F.A. ’20 IMDA, opens tonight 1/26 at The Peale!
For more on Mandy Morrison: Journey of the Invader Spirit head to https://www.thepeale.org/event/mandy-morrison-journey-of-the-invader-spirit-a-space-of-abandonment-and-hope/2023-01-26/
#baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #bmoreart
Tahir Hemphill: Rap Research Lab opens at UMBC's Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture on 1/31, exploring visual and material explorations of geographies of hip hop! On display through 3/16 —
Save the date! Mandy Morrison, M.F.A. ’20 IMDA, has a solo exhibition opening at The Peale on January 26!
For more on Mandy Morrison: Journey of the Invader Spirit head to https://www.thepeale.org/event/mandy-morrison-journey-of-the-invader-spirit-a-space-of-abandonment-and-hope/2023-01-26/
#umbc #thepeale #baltimore #baltimoreart #baltimoreartist #mandymorrison
#mandymorrison #baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #baltimore #thepeale #umbc
We're honored and delighted! BmoreArt names Oletha DeVane: Spectrum of Light and Spirit, on display at UMBC's Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture in Fall 2022, as one of the ten best exhibits of the year!
#umbc #bmoreart #baltimoreart #baltimoreartist #cadvc #umbccadvc #olethadevane #lowerystokessims
#lowerystokessims #olethadevane #umbccadvc #cadvc #baltimoreartist #baltimoreart #bmoreart #umbc
Join us on December 8 at 6pm for the Oletha DeVane: Spectrum of Light and Spirit closing panel discussion, featuring artist Oletha DeVane, curator Lowery Stokes Sims, and Jessica Bell Brown, Leslie King Hammond, and Christopher Kozjar! The exhibition continues at UMBC's CADVC through December 17 —
#umbc #artsatumbc #olethadevane #baltimore #baltimoreart #bmoreart
#bmoreart #baltimoreart #baltimore #olethadevane #artsatumbc #umbc
Join us on December 8 at 6pm for the Oletha DeVane: Spectrum of Light and Spirit closing panel discussion, featuring artist Oletha DeVane, curator Lowery Stokes Sims, and Jessica Bell Brown, Leslie King Hammond, and Christopher Kozjar! The exhibition continues at UMBC's CADVC through December 17 —
#umbc #artsatumbc #olethadevane #baltimore #baltimoreart #bmoreart
#bmoreart #baltimoreart #baltimore #olethadevane #artsatumbc #umbc
Greetings from UMBC! Like everyone else right now, we're hoping to connect with others on Mastodon. A few hashtags to help make us findable — #umbc #artsatumbc #baltimore #baltimoremusic #baltimoredance #baltimoretheatre #baltimoreart #baltimoretheater #bmoreart #maryland #cadvc #circa
Image by UMBC's Eric Dyer
#circa #cadvc #maryland #bmoreart #baltimoretheater #baltimoreart #baltimoretheatre #baltimoredance #baltimoremusic #baltimore #artsatumbc #umbc
Greetings from UMBC! Like everyone else right now, we're hoping to connect with others on Mastodon. A few hashtags to help make us findable — #umbc #artsatumbc #baltimore #baltimoremusic #baltimoredance #baltimoretheatre #baltimoreart #baltimoretheater #bmoreart #maryland #cadvc #circa
Image by UMBC's Eric Dyer
#circa #cadvc #maryland #bmoreart #baltimoretheater #baltimoreart #baltimoretheatre #baltimoredance #baltimoremusic #baltimore #artsatumbc #umbc