(Faut tout faire soi-même ici 😅)
Harry Belafonte – Day-O (Banana Boat Song)
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #RIP #HarryBelafonte #DayO #BananaBoatSong #Mento
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #rip #harrybelafonte #dayo #bananaboatsong #mento
#HarryBelafonte #Belafonte #RIP #RestinPeace #CalypsoRock #Calypso #KingofCalypso #CivilRightsMovement #MartinLutherKing #BananaBoatSong #DayO #IslandintheSun #MarchonWashington #Hope #1960s #VietnamWar #Freedom #Peace
Zum Tod von Harry Belafonte
#harrybelafonte #belafonte #rip #restinpeace #calypsorock #calypso #kingofcalypso #civilrightsmovement #martinlutherking #bananaboatsong #dayo #islandinthesun #marchonwashington #hope #1960s #vietnamwar #freedom #peace
#RIP #HarryBelafonte it’s really lovely reading all the tributes and memories from everyone here - a brilliant #Singer #Musician and lifelong #CivilRights activist, he meant so much to so many. I first heard the #BananaBoatSong at a NYE party as a 9y old - my first exhilerating music experience. Been thinking about it again recently researching #Plantations and #SupplyChains - all that hard labour every day, and the role of music in it. #Jamaica #RacialCapitalism
#rip #harrybelafonte #singer #musician #civilrights #bananaboatsong #plantations #supplychains #jamaica #RacialCapitalism