#QMI voice calls in one day: Call management is now supported by #wroomd on #LinuxMobile! Here are the changes: https://git.abscue.de/obp/wroomd/-/commit/8eec2bbd
You can already try this on a #bananaphone or similar device on #postmarketOS by downloading the CI artifacts. However, you'll have to write the D-Bus confuration and make the API calls yourself.
You also can't _hear_ any actual voice yet, but there are existing solutions like #q6voiced, which should be easy to adapt to wroomd.
#qmi #wroomd #linuxmobile #bananaphone #postmarketos #q6voiced
Yeah and I blindly accepted these terms. It is the case about my #android tablet too so...
And yes you can flash another operating system on it but it won't be much usable at the moment. People have ported #postmarketos to several of these KaiOS phones including the #bananaphone which you are having.
#android #postmarketos #bananaphone
Phones have not looked like this since the 90s. I have never owned a phone like this. The banana phone bit will outlast the curved plastic phone. Similacra in action
#coconuthooves #simulacra #simulacrum #bananaphone
For context: everyone keeps talking about #apple phones, so I tried a different fruit. Sadly, #bananaphone did not work for telecommunications. I realized I could eat the fruit, however, and it was delicious. 7/10.
At App State yesterday picking up my young person. @deanashuff and I were sitting near the library. We saw several people walking around using bananas as phones. Talking into them. One bunch was discussing how their “GPS” wasn’t accurate, comparing bananas. Another had their earphones plugged into the banana, carrying on an animated conversation. A pair walked up and asked us to take photos of them with their bananas (of course we obliged). 🍌 #AppState #bananaphone #bananas
#appstate #bananaphone #bananas
Ooh nice, software update for the #Nokia8110 #bananaphone. Hmm, where can I find the changelog?
Christmas present for myself (actually thanks to reward points from #RedHat colleagues ❤️❤️). Look, removable battery! How quaint! #Nokia8110 #bananaphone #nostalgia
#redhat #nokia8110 #bananaphone #nostalgia
After holding the #bananaphone in my hands, now even the iPhone feels curved to me. I mean, they did have bendgate sometime past, but... :-)
We have much to learn from the animal kingdom.
For example, did you know that when monkeys answer the banana phone, they do so the "wrong way"?