Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1481 followers · 107101 posts · Server

@CraftComputing @Raspberry_Pi it's similarly shit like the / because if a CS professior can't get an SBC to output anything but 720p60, it's the fault of the company that creates it - not the users buying it.

make ,
Operating Systems make .

That's why people put up with the shit of and some even can tolerate apparently...

#Microsoft #Apple #Hardware #operatingsystems #Apps #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1412 followers · 99212 posts · Server

@trashheap @Raspberry_Pi

Whereas one can basically DIY a for the just from the & Foundation's documation.

Try that with a that even people who do Computers for a living and teach in them can't even get the few systems that support it to run on anything but 720p60.

#bananapizerom2 #Raspberry #linuxfromscratch #RaspberryPi #distro #Linux

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1017 followers · 62616 posts · Server

@ethanOS thx but I'm still figuring out how to get the working as a drop-in replacement for the @Raspberry_Pi & since seems more unwilling than unable to get units sold via their distributors at .

Cuz the scalpers charge €60+ for a and €120+ for a v1.3 when both are actually €10 and €5 MSRP.

Industrial customers however seem to get double-digit numbers at MSRP just fine...

#msrp #RaspberryPi #pi0 #Pi0W #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
912 followers · 50401 posts · Server

@sbb @Natanox EXACTLY THAT!

The on paper should basically run laps around the @Raspberry_Pi & but it doesn't even allow anything but 720p60 on HDMI...

makes and Operating Systems make

THIS is why the owns the market...

#RaspberryPi #Hardware #operatingsystems #Software #Pi0W #pi0 #bananapizerom2

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
912 followers · 50402 posts · Server

@Natanox As much as I'd consider alternatives to @Raspberry_Pi since their stuff is being scalped beyond insane, a lot of those suffer from poor software support, worse availability and even higher prices.

That being said I do use a / since the /#Pi0W is being scalped >10x it's and I've yet to find a good / replacement that isn't out of production, double the price or unsupported by even @ubuntu or ...

#Debian #Pi4B #cm4 #msrp #pi0 #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
786 followers · 38400 posts · Server

@aallan @Raspberry_Pi thx.

The excellent of products is what really made the huge ecosystem bloom.

Cuz as we can see with several competitiors, just throwing out into the wild doesn't guarantee any success.

And noone's really in a hurry to get a when it refuses to do 1080p no matter the configuration...

#bananapizerom2 #Hardware #RaspberryPi #Documentation

Last updated 1 year ago