A year has passed since the #massacre at #RobbElementary School in #Uvalde, #Texas — and still, the public doesn’t know the whole story.
#GunControl #UniversalBackgroundChecks #RedFlagLaws #AR15bans #BanAR15s #MassShootings #SchoolShooting #GunFetishism #AmericanGunFetish
#massacre #robbelementary #uvalde #texas #guncontrol #universalbackgroundchecks #redflaglaws #ar15bans #banar15s #massshootings #schoolshooting #gunfetishism #americangunfetish
#BanAR15s #GunControl #2ndAmendment #StopSchoolShootings #StopThe Madness
I feel that I can’t boost this enough! Please re-boost and pass on. Add all the hashtags you can think of to turn @IAmDannyBoling ‘s post into a social media STORM!!!
Stop the slaughter of innocent kids! It’s the AR15s you idiots! BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS!!!
#banar15s #guncontrol #2ndamendment #stopschoolshootings #stopthe
Of course it's the guns. 🤬😒
Anybody who claims otherwise is part of the problem.
#guncontrol #banar15s #gopfascists #nraterrorists
“It’s horrific,” Capers said. “No one should ever have to look at this scene, the blood, the trauma that went on in that house.”
WRONG. Every #NRA backed shill in the #Texas legislature, their fucked up Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General and all of the GQP nutters in The House & Senate--especially Ted Cruz & John Cornyn should have to look at all of the bloody pictures.
#BanAssaultWeapons #BanAR15s & their variants.
Gunman killed neighbors, child with AR-15-style rifle, sheriff says - The Washington Post
#NRA #texas #BanAssaultWeapons #banar15s
What were you worried about as a child? #GunReformNow #guncontrol #BanAR15s
#gunreformnow #guncontrol #banar15s
Fuck you, (p)rick Scott. The #DeathPenalty will not deter a wannabe assassin and his/her #AR15 from shooting and killing #children. However, banning AR15s certainly will.
#deathpenalty #ar15 #children #fuckyourickscott #banassaultweapons #banar15s #bangunsnotbooks #republicansaretheproblem
@AliceMarshall being a #novid takes continuous effort. I will persevere but sure would appreciate others using #masks in proximity of #immunocompromised folks. No additional #HealthBurdens welcome. #Protect and #Respect - #WearAMask please <I know folks here continue to practice compassion but the vast majority of others simply do not care> #BanAR15s #StopGunViolence #PeaceOut
#novid #masks #ImmunoCompromised #healthburdens #protect #respect #WearAMask #banar15s #stopgunviolence #peaceout
Can #Mastodon seize the moment from #birdiste? CEO #EugenRochko on running — and growing — a #decentralized #SocialNetwork. https://www.theverge.com/23658648/mastodon-ceo-twitter-interview-elon-musk-twitter #socialmedia #democracy not #fascism and for those of us who are already here - please join us. #change #matters #StopGunViolence #BanAR15s
#mastodon #birdiste #eugenrochko #decentralized #socialnetwork #socialmedia #Democracy #fascism #change #matters #stopgunviolence #banar15s