Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s singles box set, ‘In A Bunch’. Released this week in 2015. #banarama #inabunch #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #jacquieosullivan #faheydallinandwoodward #dallinwoodwardosullivan 🍌🍌🍌
#banarama #inabunch #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #jacquieosullivan #faheydallinandwoodward #dallinwoodwardosullivan
Song of the Day - No 240
Banarama - Na Na Hey Hey
In February 1983, UK girl group Bananarama released a version of then-fictitious band Steam's original. The song released as a single from their album Deep Sea Skiving. This version became a top ten hit in the United Kingdom (number 5)
#SOTD #SongOfTheDay #music #Banarama #dancepop #newwave #pop
#sotd #songoftheday #music #banarama #dancepop #newwave #pop
#FBF Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s album, ‘True Confessions’. Released July 7th in 1986. #banarama #trueconfessions #venus #morethanphysical #atrickofthenight #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward 🍌 🍌 🍌
#fbf #banarama #trueconfessions #venus #morethanphysical #atrickofthenight #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward
Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s single, “I Heard A Rumour”. Released this week in 1987. #banarama #iheardarumour #wow #bananaramaWOW #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward 🍌 🍌 🍌
#banarama #iheardarumour #wow #bananaramawow #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward
Happy 40th anniversary to Bananarama’s single, “Cruel Summer”. Released this week in 1983. #banarama #cruelsummer #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward 🍌🍌🍌
#banarama #cruelsummer #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward
Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s version of “Venus”. Released this week in 1986. #banarama #venus #trueconfessions #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward #shockingblue 🍌🍌🍌
#banarama #venus #trueconfessions #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward #shockingblue
Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s single, “A Trick Of The Night”. Released this week in 1987 in the UK (and previously in December, 1986 in the US). #banarama #atrickofthenight #trueconfessions #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward 🍌🍌🍌
#banarama #atrickofthenight #trueconfessions #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward
Happy anniversary to Bananarama’s single, “A Trick Of The Night”. Released in the US this week in 1986 (and later in the UK in February, 1987). #banarama #atrickofthenight #trueconfessions #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward 🍌🍌🍌
#banarama #atrickofthenight #trueconfessions #siobhanfahey #saradallin #kerenwoodward #faheydallinandwoodward