so... #bancampfriday ?
I don't want to convince you to buying the 94 digital releases,
I event don't release new material today.
But what I want to offer you are the LAST COPIES of my zines, books and postcards:
Two last copies of ARE YOU EXPERIENCED SURF!
and like 3 or 4 zines from the VIVE LA RESISTANCE issues
Support La Iglesia del Surf
:cnsp: :cnsp: 🏄🏼
#bancampfriday #pataphysics #subgenius #bulldada #collage #infowars #umor #POEE
Eine Empfehlung für den #BancampFriday von mir:
DVNE aus England. Sie haben sich auf #bandcamp als post metal und progressive metal getaggt. Da ich keine Ahnung habe, was post metal sein soll, kann ich das nicht beurteilen. Progressive Elemente sind aber sehr wohl vorhanden. Generell habe ich den Eindruck, dass die Band recht gut weiß, wie man interessante Arrangements schreibt. Einfach mal reinhören!
Here's what I got for #BancampFriday though:
#bandcamp #shit&shine #experimental #electronic #psychedelic #texas
#texas #psychedelic #electronic #experimental #shit #bandcamp #bancampfriday
Today is #bancampfriday, so I thought it is about time: My music is now also available on #bandcamp !
If you like #altrock with a tiny bit of breakdown or relaxing songs with a strong buildup, you can try to give these two a listen, maybe you'll like them!
Anyways, everyone have a great shopping streak, I'll sure hop on one or the other track today.
#rest #curseblessing #altrock #bandcamp #bancampfriday