It's simply amazing, how people will bend their brains around cars. But the absolute failure to apply basic logic to the problems cars cause you and your city is understandable. I mean, who can think their way out of a paper bag with a car parked in their head? #CarBrain #CarsRuinCities #GeometryHatesCars #BanCars
#CarBrain #CarsRuinCities #geometryhatescars #bancars
I think what most people misunderstand about #BanCars, is that we're losing this planet and moving to mars, not because "cars are useful" or something, but because a system of "too many cars everywhere always" inevitably leads to monstrously stupid waste, not for some essential good, but simply to move people around in cities at speeds that are usually slower than biking or transit, and wildly unpredictable.
“A West Vancouver man who struck and killed a woman as she was crossing an Ambleside street in a marked crosswalk will pay a $500 fine but face no driving ban”
Infrastructure is a joke, justice for road victims is a joke. Makes me furious.
#WestVancouver #VisionZero #TrafficFatality #PedestrianSafety #FuckCars #BanCars
#bancars #fuckcars #pedestriansafety #trafficfatality #visionzero #WestVancouver
goddamn it I want her for Mayor
I've mentioned this here before, but I spend an unfortunate amount of time thinking about how the Oregon Department of Transportation and their Portland counterparts at PBOT continually say there's not enough money for solid barriers to protect people outside of automobiles. But as soon as a poor person starts camping under a bridge, they suddenly have funds to dump truckloads of boulders to "keep everyone safe."
Which Michigan counties had the most distracted-driving crashes in 2022?
by Justin P. Hicks, Scott Levin
"It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy" (h/t @so_treu)
I have my doubts about Mozilla these days, but nice to see they're getting with the #BanCars movement
20 Michigan communities with the most deer-vehicle crashes
by Justin P. Hicks
#BanCars but I will say they are occasionally nice when they are:
- electric
- comfortable
- used to go on a quiet, sunny, /almost/ relaxing drive through a lush green late #NewJersey summer in the outer counties
That's the neat thing about NJ, it's kinda like California in that you can do mountains, hills, plains, cities, suburbs, and shore, all within an ~hour's drive (or train ride!). We ran around NYC midweek and were way out in the countryside today.
TIL #AccidentNotCrash was an auto industry PR blitz #CrashNotAccident #VisionZero #BanCars @activetowns How corporate disinformation harms our health and the environment
#accidentnotcrash #crashnotaccident #visionzero #bancars
Chain-reaction crash that closed I-94 spilled 800 gallons of chemicals
by Brad Devereaux
@garyshaff How does it make sense, under a #climateEmergency declaration, to prioritize the pavement maintenance of multiple redundant car lanes over the usability of bikes and transit? The existing funding is creating the problem, so it's simply absurd to try to fix it with more funding without changing the carway layout. Our miles-traveled is flat because we haven't added or removed car lanes, to get #VMTreduction we have to cut back on car subsidies. I'm already at #DefundDOTs and #BanCars.
#climateemergency #vmtreduction #defunddots #bancars
Just ran some quick numbers, and if my arithmetic is correct:
On average a person is killed by traffic violence a little more than once every 13 minutes in the United States. That's nearly 5 every hour, 117 a day, 42,750 a year. Every single one of those is preventable. Not only that, but preventing those deaths would drastically reduce greenhouse gasses and would be CHEAPER.
#bikes #climatechange #bancars #FuckCars
I'm interested in the levels of car ownership in the urbanist circles around here
How many cars does your household own?
Household here defined as the people you live with or in close proximity to that you'd be willing to share a car with.
If you're car free I'd love to hear about what makes it work for you!
#carfree #biketooter #cars #transit #bikes #fuckcars #bancars #urbanism
#carfree #biketooter #cars #transit #bikes #fuckcars #bancars #urbanism
A new, improved parking lot is coming to Jackson
by Chloe Miller
This article really captures my experience traveling without a car in my city. We're not car free, but we have gone down to one car and I usually try to avoid using it when making trips by myself like commuting or meeting friends/coworkers somewhere.
This is part two of a 3 part series on a family going car free and their experience (good and bad)
#carfree #transit #strongtowns #bancars #fuckcars
Il est à jour et conforme à la règle, le PLU?
Je sais que c'est un sacré sac de noeuds entre les différents textes et que ce n'est pas uniforme partout en France mais, pour avoir vu récemment des PLU votés par des municipalités qui ne respectaient pas les minimum de places vélo prévu par les codes (urbanisme et construction), ou le PDU, ou le PLUI, je n'ai guère confiance dans les villes.
Mais je n'ai pas de recette miracle pour vérifier.
Bon courage !
#PLU #Stationnement #bancars
First night where the evening light looked like fall. First night I could see and smell smoke in a very long time. Not a great combo.
#climatechange #bancars #fossilfools #UrbanMobility
More lanes on U.S. 131, bridge repairs: MDOT reveals proposed projects in 5-year plan
by Bradley Massman