Climate toll: 113 - This is about how many metric tons of CO2 equivalent a Bitcoin mined in 2021 would have emitted, according to researchers. -Bloomberg
To be a #Liberal is to be committed to #HumanRights-for-All, #Kindness, #Generosity, and #Fairness
I am an #Advocate for: #VoteBlue #Democrat #Democracy #Atheist #Resistance #FBR #EMPATHY #Science #HumanRights #CivilRights #ProChoice #DeathWithDignity #WinWinGlobalTrade #WelcomeMigrants #FreePalestine #StopPutin #SlavaUkraini #Ukraine #FreeKurdistan #BanCrypto #RejoinEU
#liberal #humanrights #kindness #generosity #fairness #advocate #voteblue #democrat #democracy #atheist #resistance #fbr #empathy #science #civilrights #prochoice #deathwithdignity #WinWinGlobalTrade #welcomemigrants #freepalestine #StopPutin #SlavaUkraini #ukraine #freekurdistan #bancrypto #RejoinEU
Kudos to Gov. Hochul for signing the #crypto moratorium billโbut we need to #BanCrypto outright & get back to an economy based on actual THINGS! (Gee, just imagine.)
What future do #cryptocurrencies have after the fall of FTX? Hopefully NONE! #OutlawCrypto! #BanCrypto! via @AJEnglish
#cryptocurrencies #Outlawcrypto #bancrypto
instead of stopping their shitty crypto-burning of the planet they now take a second profit from producing heat. #bancrypto
What a lovely climate story from Norway. The electricity prices are very high right now so the crypto miners are selling their waste heat to dry firewood (which is in high demand as people are trying to reduce their electricity expenses).
wgmi ๐๐ฅฐ๐