Unfortunately we will not be able to make it to the Monroe Fair Days Maket today ☹️ with the smoke in the air and my health, it is not safe for me (or Murdock) to spend several hours outside in this bad of air quality.

We apologize to anyone who planned on shopping with us today. You can always visit our website and order online! howlingmadcreations.com

#bandanas #petbandanas #dogbandanas #pets #shopsmall #smallbusiness #market #Dogs #evergreenstatefair #fair #monroewa #fairdays

Last updated 1 year ago

The Monroe Fair Days Parade & Market ​is tomorrow! We will have our booth at the market from 9AM - 1PM!
Can you guess who will be in the parade? Seattle Seafair Pirates! ​So, of course we are all stocked up on our pirate pet bandanas and will have them available at our booth tomorrow ☠️🏴‍☠️

#bandanas #petbandanas #dogbandanas #pets #TreasureMap #skulls #seafairpirates #arrrrf #pirates #seattleseafairpirates #shopsmall #smallbusiness #market #Dogs #evergreenstatefair #fair #monroewa #fairdays

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr. Jack · @assignedbsba
64 followers · 215 posts · Server woof.group

Look for yesterday that severely confused the new bartender when I went to get a beer after work.

Spoilered because partially unclothed chest.

#queerfashion #transfashion #notbusinessfashion #denim #bandanas #transdaddy

Last updated 2 years ago

Kitty Quinzell · @KittyQuinzell
265 followers · 4175 posts · Server kinkyelephant.com