First #BandTailedPigeon of the year today, a singleton flying overhead. I often see these moving about in April and May, so right on schedule. Similar in size and shape to #RockPigeon but there is something about a Bandtail that immediately stands out, even distant in silhouette, and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Also around here are #EurasianCollaredDove and #MourningDove. I should try to consciously unpack the tacit ID cues that I use to tell these four apart in flight.
#bandtailedpigeon #rockpigeon #eurasiancollareddove #mourningdove #birding
Band tailed pigeon in our drying up backyard this morning. If history repeats itself, he’ll bring a friend or two tomorrow, and the whole damn flock Friday. We can’t afford to feed them 😳😱
#bandtailedpigeon #birds #backyardbirds #californiabirds