Catch up on all the detail of the @deankirby_ / @theipaper investigation into pre-payment meters and our calls to #BanForcedPPMs.
As @Shell reveal more staggering profits, @deankirby_’s investigation into the prepayment meters scandal now uncovers the firm’s role in forcing people onto PPMs.
RT @ThisWinterUK
Join the fight for fair energy practice and submit your experiences of pre-payment meters today!
Fill in this form 📝➡
Deadline 📅➡ 4th May 2023
Further info📚➡
#banforcedppms #WarmThisWinter
RT @EndFuelPoverty
The @ofgem prepayment meters code of practice does not go far enough.
Too many vulnerable groups are not covered by its full protections and there are serious concerns about how it will be implemented by #energyfirms.
On @SkyNews: the concerns that the new PPMs code of conduct simply does not go far enough - and the fact it is voluntary undermines its objective.
We need @ofgem and @energygovuk to go further and #BanForcedPPMs outright.
The @ofgem prepayment meters code of practice does not go far enough.
Too many vulnerable groups are not covered by its full protections and there are serious concerns about how it will be implemented by #energyfirms.
Catch up on all the detail of the @deankirby_ / @theipaper investigation into pre-payment meters and our calls to #BanForcedPPMs.
In the @Daily_Express, we hear about the pain being forced onto a pre-payment meter causes. #BanForcedPPMs.
RT @FuelPovAction
Can you believe that the "'heat-or-eat' dilemma" is appearing in peer-reviewed papers? Findings include that people on PPMs much less likely to afford healthy foods. What a disgrace, @CommonsBEIS @grantshapps it's on you.
The @Independent reports data obtained by @TBIJ that in 64.4 per cent of cases, a #smartmeter was forced into a pre-payment mode as the customer was in #energy debt.
No-one should be forced on a pre-payment tariff against their will. #BanForcedPPMs.
#smartmeter #energy #banforcedppms
Catch up on all the detail of the @deankirby_ / @theipaper investigation into pre-payment meters and our calls to #BanForcedPPMs.
Let’s not forget this is the #energy boss that brought you the forced prepayment meters scandal…
"#Smartmeters and pre-payment meters can be a great tool for people to take control of their energy use... However forcibly switching people to pre-payment meters could have massively detrimental consequences..." - @groundworkuk
This is disgraceful behaviour from a firm that was up in front of MPs such as @darrenpjones and @neill_bob only this week.
@ofgem have said no #energy firm should be force fitting PPMs right now.
#BanForcedPPMs @AnneMcLaughlin
RT @davidc2k11
@csljohnkirby @ofgem @NEA_UKCharity @endfuelpoverty @FuelPovAction @StepChange @CAPuk @CPAGUK @CitizensAdvice @deankirby_ I'm on the Priority Services Register and Utilita are still threatenin…
Reports from our members working with vulnerable households reveal that nobody from #energy firms explains to people about to go on to a pre-payment meter that they could be left disconnected.
Figures from @ThisWinterUK reveal that 68% of smart pre-payment meter customers are vulnerable, with 58% having health conditions or disabilities.
No-one in a vulnerable situation should be forced onto a pre-payment meter. #BanForcedPPMs
This is a very welcome and reassuring development and reflects what we have been calling for!
RT @ofgem
All suppliers are now extending the suspension of forced prepayment installations beyond 1 Apr
Our CEO Jonathan Brearley told the @CommonsBEIS select committee the suspension won't be lifted until they establish they are acting in accordance with a new code of practice.
The representatives of #energy firms seem utterly unapologetic to MPs about their actions when forcing people onto prepayment meters.
The system is broken and we need Government to #BanForcedPPMs before 31 March.
RT @endfuelpoverty
📺 Watch LIVE: A shocking litany of failures being outlined in Parliament today to the @CommonsBEIS and @CommonsJustice in the treatment of #energybills customers and the forced installation of prepa…
#energy #banforcedppms #Energybills
Avarto confirm to @darrenpjones @CommonsBEIS @CommonsJustice that #energy firm employees are in attendance at forced installations and the firm typically would be aware of every step of the process.
RT @endfuelpoverty
📺 Watch LIVE: A shocking litany of failures being outlined in Parliament today to the @CommonsBEIS and @CommonsJustice in the treatment of #energybills customers and the forced installation of prep…
#energy #banforcedppms #Energybills
📺 Watch LIVE: A shocking litany of failures being outlined in Parliament today to the @CommonsBEIS and @CommonsJustice in the treatment of #energybills customers and the forced installation of prepayment meters.