Want to cash in on the climate crisis? Ask Google how to do it.
Gute Frage, oder? 🌎🌳🌲
➡️Fliegen ist besonders umweltschädlich, weshalb auch noch dafür werben? https://t.co/xezGwgLwd2
« Flying is highly polluting – but airlines use advertising to make people ignore that or, even worse, to pretend it's actually green
We know this industry is hugely destructive, why are they still allowed to advertise?
Time to #BanFossilAds
https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/01/26/ryanair-low-cost-airline-warned-about-misleading-carbon-offset-claims »
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RT @BrandalismUK@twitter.com
Subvertising teams across Europe have taken aim at #Toyota and #BMW for misleading adverts and anti-climate lobbying. 400 car billboards have been hacked and replaced in 14 cities. ✊
#BeyondZero #BanFossilAds #BrusselsMotorShow / 1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrandalismUK/status/1614888011765846016
#toyota #bmw #beyondzero #banfossilads #brusselsmotorshow
Subvertising teams across Europe have taken aim at #Toyota and #BMW for misleading adverts and anti-climate lobbying. 400 car billboards have been hacked and replaced in 14 cities. ✊
#toyota #bmw #beyondzero #banfossilads #brusselsmotorshow
"Il faut que notre regard sur la voiture change, et pour cela on doit interdire les #publicités pour les véhicules individuels. Si on veut une société plus juste et plus sobre, il faut décoloniser nos imaginaires et arrêter de promouvoir la voiture comme un symbole de liberté, de vitesse et de virilité" expose Sarah Denisse de Résistance à l'Agression Publicitaire.
https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/pays-de-la-loire/loire-atlantique/nantes/a-nantes-une-campagne-de-pub-pour-denoncer-les-suv-des-vehicules-juges-climaticides-2693822.html https://framapiaf.org/@RAPasso/109699553449569989
💥 Společnost Vox Media (New York Magazine) přestala přijímat peníze na reklamu od společností, které těží fosilní paliva nebo využívají neobnovitelné zdroje.
Stejný krok udělal Guardian v roce 2020.
Kdy se k tomu odhodlají i česká média?
RT @rolflindahl@twitter.com
Grundlagsskyddad yttrandefrihet gäller även inom idrotten, slår nu Norges institut för mänskliga rättigheter fast i ett uttalande efter Emil Johanssons aktion mot "sportswashing" av oljebolaget Equinor. #BanFossilAds #Greenwashing https://www.nhri.no/2022/ytringsfriheten-gjelder-ogsa-i-idretten/?fbclid=IwAR2gvytbmQH4i9_XoznzpsiJavboptM7SihEGImV_V2UgrXczErjTzZS1So
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rolflindahl/status/1594976276141465600
RT @rolflindahl@twitter.com
Emil Johansson bötfälld för skidprotest:
"Jag kan tycka att det kan vara en bot på mig och en på Equinor som kör greenwashing på hela jävla stadion, för mig känns det politiskt att ett oljebolag som förstör för världen för synas överallt" #BanFossilAds
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rolflindahl/status/1594637547879239681
RT @XR_Hamm_Fulham@twitter.com
We all know it! The scientists are screaming it! Emissions from aviation are a significant contributor to the climate crisis. Join those of us calling out the dangerous greenwashing practices of airlines, airports and their advertising agencies #BanFossilAds and #BanFlightAds
Greenpeace-Aktivist:innen protestieren zur Eröffnung einer Konferenz der #Gas-Industrie in Mailand gegen #Greenwashing. 🟢🧼
Damit unterstützen sie die Europäische Bürgerinitiative gegen Werbung und Sponsoring für fossile Brennstoffe:
https://www.greenpeace.org/international/press-release/55525/greenpeace-interrupts-gastech-world-gas-fair-gas-is-not-green-no-more-advertising-of-fossil-fuels/ #BanFossilAds https://t.co/ImPn8n8NNm
#gas #greenwashing #banfossilads
« [ACTION] We are blocking a #FossilGas tanker in the port of Sagunto, Spain.
Gas is sinking our future, but fossil fuel companies present it as a solution to climate change.
This has to stop.
Join the movement 👉 http://greenpeace.org/fossilfreerevolution
#FossilFreeRevolution #BanFossilAds https://t.co/xVxubUqYGg »
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#fossilgas #fossilfreerevolution #banfossilads
« 💥 Une vingtaine de nos activistes sont en action ce matin devant le @MuseeLouvre pour dénoncer le partenariat entre @TotalEnergies et le musée.
Le Louvre doit cesser de se rendre complice de l’activité climaticide de la multinationale. #BanFossilAds #FossilFreeRevolution https://t.co/UvgIENQHb6 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/greenpeacefr/status/1445676680970788869
#banfossilads #fossilfreerevolution
« Let’s get oil sponsorship out of the arts once and for all!
👏👏👏 @greenpeacefr for calling out this dirty partnership between @MuseeLouvre & @TotalEnergies.
Oil companies can't keep benefiting from the shiny glow of important schools and cultural institutions.
#BanFossilAds https://twitter.com/greenpeacefr/status/1445676680970788869 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1445681149049663499
« Brave climbers scaling one of Shell's silos in Rotterdam today, plastering it with misleading fossil fuel ads
We're calling for an EU ban ads and sponsorships by the companies most responsible for the #ClimateCrisis
We need you help to #BanFossilAds: http://banfossilfuelads.org https://t.co/m3OeTRi8Ux »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/GreenpeaceEU/status/1445050114763001869