Miley Cyrus Says She ‘Didn’t Make a Dime’ Off of Her Bangerz Tour #2023_09_04 #rolling_stone #ej_dickson #music #music_news #bangerz #miley_cyrus #tiktok #used_to_be_young
#2023_09_04 #rolling_stone #ej_dickson #music #music_news #bangerz #miley_cyrus #tiktok #used_to_be_young
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Miley Cyrus Releases ‘Used to Be Young’ 10 Years After Twerking at the VMAs #Jezebel #endlesssummervacation #entertainmentculture #usedtobeyoung #hannahmontana #wreckingball #mileystewart #robinthicke #whereverigo #mileycyrus #wecantstop #twerking #bangerz #disney
#jezebel #endlesssummervacation #entertainmentculture #usedtobeyoung #hannahmontana #wreckingball #mileystewart #robinthicke #whereverigo #mileycyrus #wecantstop #twerking #bangerz #disney
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Miley Cyrus Releases ‘Used to Be Young’ 10 Years After Twerking at the VMAs #Jezebel #endlesssummervacation #entertainmentculture #usedtobeyoung #hannahmontana #wreckingball #mileystewart #robinthicke #whereverigo #mileycyrus #wecantstop #twerking #bangerz #disney
#jezebel #endlesssummervacation #entertainmentculture #usedtobeyoung #hannahmontana #wreckingball #mileystewart #robinthicke #whereverigo #mileycyrus #wecantstop #twerking #bangerz #disney
#bangerz To my disappointment, I've heard #MikeOldfield's latest (and last, I suspect) release – the #TubularBells 4 demo. I can see why he never continued. I think Oldfield got bored with himself. It sounds like Tubular Bells 2023, except hitting different notes.
In a way I appreciate him retiring once he realised he has nothing more to say. In another way, I wish he'd record #Amarok 2 while also not talking to the press about his ah… views.
#bangerz #mikeoldfield #tubularbells #amarok
#bangerz I have JUST been made aware that #FranzFerdinand covered #Womanizer by #BritneySpears and this is what magic is made of:
#bangerz #FranzFerdinand #womanizer #britneyspears
#bangerz CONGRATULATIONS to #EverythingButTheGirl whose album 'Fuse' charts at #3 in the UK, making it their highest chart position ever, 39 (thirty-nine) years after their debut came out!!!
'Nothing Left to Lose':
#bangerz #EverythingButTheGirl
#bangerz There is no point to this video existing, but I *love* the song. It sounds like a lost gem from the Behaviour era.
'The Lost Room' by #PetShopBoys:
So my v. exciting and equally important opinion on #Fuse, the new #EverythingButTheGirl album – it's… ambient. 'Nothing Left to Lose' is very misleading. Tracey's voice has massively changed since the last solo album, which isn't BAD, I just have to get used to it. (No, I don't mean the autotune…) It's way better than the latest #DepecheMode and #U2, but that's a low bar to clear.
Really, it's about getting a gift I never expected. I'll take three great tracks over nothing. #EBTG #bangerz
#fuse #EverythingButTheGirl #depechemode #u2 #EBTG #bangerz
As an author, I should be on #TikTok – #BookTok etc. But the only thing I can think of doing there is lip-syncing #TaylorSwift songs to an axe while wearing the full #Viking gear including chainmail.
I'd love to film a complete after-battle-y, fake-blood-drippy, many-sharp-thingsy, fires-around-and-abound, sweaty-#TravisFimmel-cuddling, #PostMalone-Circles-video-y version of 'Lover'. Throw money and filmmakers at me.
#TikTok #booktok #taylorswift #viking #travisfimmel #postmalone #bangerz
#bangerz BREAKING NEWS: 'The Conversation' dethroned 'Say What You Want' as my favourite #Texas single ever. ('Texas' is probably not a hashtag that will work with #music…)
'The Conversation'
'Say What You Want' (you know this song even if you think you don't)
I am aware that #TheLightningSeeds are so (un)happy with #Tilt that it's unavailable on streaming services, but I love this song. One of my favourite #PetShopBoys x #OMD x #SaintEtienne x #NelleeHooper collaborations.
'Life's Too Short':
(#KylieMinogue might or might not have used this as inspiration for the 'Can't Get You Out of My Head' video)
#bangerz #thelightningseeds #tilt #petshopboys #omd #saintetienne #nelleehooper #kylieminogue
I know the last one was not super-bangy and neither is this one, but #JohnGrant has written a first sentence that I hope to rival one day when I grow up:
'Back then I often found myself driving on the road at night and the radio was broadcasting the ocean'
MOOD. #Iceland
The bassist of #Pulp, Steve Mackey, died today. This…hits.
Here's 'This is Hardcore' – my favourite Pulp song:
Steve's comment: "I think it's got a place. To me 'This Is Hardcore' is like a challenge in song, it's a gauntlet for the rest of the year. It's like when Radiohead put out 'Paranoid Android' in 1997: here you are, deal with this."
Unpopular, apparently, pop opinion: 'Look What You Made Me Do' is one of #TaylorSwift's best songs ever. All the "best/worst of Taylor Swift" lists put it at the very bottom. Because they don't bother scratching under the "ahahaha Right Said Fred" layer.
"I'm sorry – the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh! Because she's dead!" Innocence dies. Strength is born. This song/album got me through 2022. Look what you made me do: survive.
I can't stop listening to this track #bangerz #gorillaz #underrated #grime
#bangerz #gorillaz #underrated #grime
#bangerz 3am edition: #MassiveAttack
In 1996, when Massive received a Brits Award for "best dance act," 3D quipped "looks like I don't know how to dance" (I'm paraphrasing).
Here are dem dance bangerz!!!! MOVE YER BODY!!!
'Protection' (feat. #TraceyThorn) (my favourite video of all time):
'Sly': (feat. Nicolette)
Gods, I miss Mushroom's contributions. I know how art works. But still.
#bangerz #massiveattack #traceythorn
If you're a child of the 90s, you've probably seen the video for #GeorgeMichael's "Too Funky" many times.
At the end it says "Directed by: ???" because Thierry Mugler refused to have his name attached to the "but what about straight people" version.
Here's the #queer AF Thierry Mugler unreleased version, courtesy of Internet:
#RossyDePalma? #bodybuilders? Why not both? Both is good.
#bangerz #GeorgeMichael #queer #rossydepalma #bodybuilders
The #birdsite updates summary by Queen #TaylorSwift:
'Then you come around again and say
"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me"
Remember how that lasted for a day?
I say, "I hate you," we break up, you call me, "I love you"
And I'm like, "I just, I mean, this is exhausting, you know?
Like, we are never getting back together, like, ever"'
*red scarf drop*
'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Taylor's Version)'
#bangerz #birdsite #taylorswift
#bangerz (sort of)
Most people know #MikeOldfield because of #TubularBells and #MoonlightShadow. He has recorded many #ProgRock instrumental albums + pop songs (many = not enough). But when TB became a monster hit he couldn't deal with it. This was his reaction. TB was #3 on the album chard that week. 'Don Alfonso' (vocals: David Bedford) did not chart, possibly because Virgin Records almost immediately withdrew it from sale.
Here's why. (I love it. In small amounts.)
#bangerz #mikeoldfield #tubularbells #moonlightshadow #progrock