I love libraries, but had not been to ours in many yrs. Today I took 2 grandkids, 10 & 7. As I was looking for werewolf books, a lady came up to show me a photo on her phone. “Did I know that they had this rainbow themed poster on the wall?” I looked at the photo, then at her and said “I love it!” I then said loudly that I believed all books should be available to everyone! In retrospect, I wish I had asked her why she wasn’t protesting gun violence rather than reading! #BanGunsNotBooks
#VoteBlueToSaveOurKids #GOPdeathParty #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #BanAssaultWeapons Follow the money #BanGunsNotBooks #GunViolence #GOPCorruptionOverCountry
#votebluetosaveourkids #gopdeathparty #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #BanAssaultWeapons #bangunsnotbooks #gunviolence #gopcorruptionovercountry
«Why on earth do we protect a stupid deposit more than our children?»
--Ted Cruz
Yeah, Ted. Why? Banning assault weapons would protect our children.
@StillIRise1963 Basically, #RonDerSantis is allowing #gun lovers ( #Republicans, mostly) to arm themselves...and thereby rule #Florida via #intimidation. Welcome to the epitome of the #fascist #state
#rondersantis #gun #republicans #florida #fascist #state #republicansaretheproblem #bangunsnotbooks #stopfascism #stopnazism #intimidation
Fuck you, (p)rick Scott. The #DeathPenalty will not deter a wannabe assassin and his/her #AR15 from shooting and killing #children. However, banning AR15s certainly will.
#deathpenalty #ar15 #children #fuckyourickscott #banassaultweapons #banar15s #bangunsnotbooks #republicansaretheproblem
“When babies die at a church school, it is time for us to move beyond thoughts and prayers. Lord, deliver our senators from the paralysis of analysis that waits for the miraculous.”
- Senate Chaplain Barry C. Black
#guncontrol #bangunsnotbooks #nashville #gunreformnow
Restore the #AssaultWeaponsBan!
#assaultweaponsban #bangunsnotbooks #fucknra
Save your #children!
Don't vote for #Republicans!
#children #republicans #republicansaretheproblem #bangunsnotbooks