Hindustan Times · @HindustanTimes
42 followers · 1046 posts · Server india.goonj.xyz

Keran, Gurez, Tangdhar, Machil, Bangus unveil their natural beauty and also provide an opportunity for tourists to witness a border that divides India-Pakistan


#keran #gurez #tangdhar #machil #bangus #northkashmir #loc

Last updated 1 year ago

GOwin · @gowin
127 followers · 1019 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

The fish belly is often the most sought after part of a fish. My now favorite way of serving the humble (milkfish) belly is also inspired by another favorite dish, Unagi no kabayaki (蒲焼) .

Friends in the , who are familiar with Japanese food, who've tried it are surprised it's made with milkfish, mistaking it for the more expensive eel.

Eel is not a popular protein here, but milkfish is -- and it's a unique, easy way of serving this yummy cut. 😋

#philippines #japanese #bangus #pinoy

Last updated 2 years ago