Games to know me
Stardew Valley
Sims 4 and Sims 3 (occasionally 1 and 2)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Farthest Frontier
Dawn of Man
My Time At Sandrock
Cosy Grove
Octopath 2
I know there are others that I'm forgetting, but these are the ones I play most often that come to mind right now.
Hashtag list: #Banished #StardewValley #Sims4 #Sims3 #ACNH #FarthestFrontier #DawnOfMan #MyTimeAtSandrock #CosyGrove #Octopath2 #Gaming #GTKM
#banished #stardewvalley #sims4 #sims3 #acnh #farthestfrontier #dawnofman #MyTimeatSandrock #cosygrove #octopath2 #gaming #gtkm
Suilad mellyn! 🧝♀️💙
Updated gamer intro. 😊
Other absolute favorites:
Also enjoy:
#MarioKart :mariokart: cetera.
#lordoftheringsonline #darkageofcamelot #ostrivgame #valheim #arksurvivalevolved #minecraft #starcraftii #finalfantasyxiv #stardewvalley #banished #dawnofman #travellersrest #riseofindustry #factorytown #hearthlands #timberborn #againstthestorm #winkeltje #wytchwood #strangehorticulture #pilgrims #mariokart
In the eighty years between 1788 and 1868, some 162,000 #convicts were embarked on #transport #ships and #banished to the #colonies to serve their sentences. The 337-ton #barque #Neva sailed from the #Irish port of #Cork on 8th January 1835 bound for #Sydney with 153 #female #prisoners of the crown. Joining them were 55 #children. When the Neva struck a #reef in Bass Strait, some 150 #souls #perished.
#Australia #History #Shipwreck #NSW #Ireland #Maritime #Disaster
#convicts #transport #ships #banished #colonies #barque #Neva #irish #cork #sydney #female #prisoners #children #reef #souls #perished #australia #history #shipwreck #nsw #ireland #maritime #disaster
Suilad mellyn! 🧝♀️ 💙
Had to move again because of technical difficulties, so will post an updated gamer intro.
My home(s):
Other absolute favorites:
Also enjoy:
#MarioKart :mariokart: cetera.
#lordoftheringsonline #darkageofcamelot #ostrivgame #valheim #arksurvivalevolved #minecraft #starcraftii #stardewvalley #banished #travellersrest #riseofindustry #factorytown #hearthlands #timberborn #againstthestorm #winkeltje #wytchwood #strangehorticulture #pilgrims #mariokart #pcgames #gog
In the eighty years between 1788 and 1868, some 162,000 #convicts were embarked on #transport #ships and #banished to the #colonies to serve their sentences. The 337-ton #barque #Neva sailed from the #Irish port of #Cork on 8th January 1835 bound for #Sydney with 153 #female #prisoners of the crown. Joining them were 55 #children. When the Neva struck a #reef in Bass Strait, some 150 #souls #perished.
#Australia #history #Shipwreck #NSW #Ireland #Maritime #Disaster
#convicts #transport #ships #banished #colonies #barque #neva #irish #cork #sydney #female #prisoners #children #reef #souls #perished #australia #history #shipwreck #nsw #ireland #maritime #disaster
村が安定してきた。コンスタントに家を建てているから高齢化で崩壊したりもしないはずだが、住民が増えなくなったのが気になるな。移民を受け入れろという合図だろうか。 #Banished
だんだん村づくり分かってきた。初期の森林セットは初期家に近い方が安定するようだ。森林セットを置く場所は開発できねーから、四方のうち一方を森にすると考えて、他の3方向に対して拡張していけば良さそう。 #Banished
納屋と市場を真面目に作った方が良さそうだ。難易度easyの初期納屋だけで賄っていたが、食糧生産施設から遠いせいか、建ててる施設の数のわりに生産量が少ない。森林セット(森の中に木こり小屋+野草+薬草+狩猟小屋)とやらを作ってその近くに納屋も置くと良いっぽい。 #Banished
なるほどな、家を建てすぎてもいけないわけだ。基準としては、男女比率1:1と想定して、労働人口÷2の数の家がその年の最大値、みたいな考え方をして、最大値より少し少なめに家を建てていく、という感じが良いのかも。移民が来るまではね。 #Banished
【Banished 攻略ブログ】 村の人口のバランスの取り方
出産可能年齢が11歳〜40歳という設定なせいか、新しい家があったら10歳くらいの男女が移り住んで子供産むんだなぁ。最初ビックリした。歳くっても結婚しない異常独身男性は今のところいないっぽい。いたら街の発展止まるから、ゲーム的に存在しないんだろうな。 #Banished
Okay, getting settled in after moving from another server to Hi everyone! 😊 👋
So, in a new place now, here is my short list of absolute favorites:
#Timberborn cetera.
Thank you for letting me move here. 💙
#lordoftheringsonline #arksurvivalevolved #darkageofcamelot #ostrivgame #minecraft #starcraftii #stardewvalley #banished #travellersrest #hearthlands #timberborn
I salute Lake State and this gloriously grouchy list #itiswhatitis #banished
I think my work here is pretty much done..
Prince Andrew had 'revolving door' of women, former royal officer says via
Here's my #introduction on I'm checking this instance out to talk about gaming, primarily (my main presence is
Current favorite PC games: #PerAspera, #IXION, #FarthestFrontier. All-time favorites include #Civilization, #Banished, #frostpunk
#introduction #peraspera #ixion #farthestfrontier #civilization #banished #frostpunk #dominion #wingspan #azul
Okay, getting settled in after moving from another server to Hi everyone! 😊 👋
So, being amongst fellow gamers now, here is a short list of my absolute favorites:
#Timberborn cetera.
Thank you for letting me move here. 💙
#lordoftheringsonline #arksurvivalevolved #darkageofcamelot #ostrivgame #minecraft #starcraftii #stardewvalley #banished #travellersrest #hearthlands #timberborn
Heya I’m new here! Gaming YouTuber from Australia. Play mostly #minecraft and strategy games like #stellaris and #banished. Check out my details here:
#minecraft #stellaris #banished
Blubb Blubb!
Today I show you a game that definitely is a great one!
#EndzoneAWorldApart is a spiritual successor of #Banished and on top of that has a great setting! Additionally you can really make a difference and bring your colony to #prosperity!
Take a look and enjoy building up a new future!
#gaming #games #survival #colonybuilder #colony #expeditions
#endzoneaworldapart #banished #prosperity #gaming #games #survival #colonybuilder #colony #expeditions