What ?
#Banks can just straight up #cancle your #bankaccount if you fail to accept #AGB / #StandartFormContract changes ?
#wow #banks #cancle #bankaccount #agb #standartformcontract
I'm btw very happy to *not* be a #HarryPotter fanatic.
All that bling an old friend bought..
I thing her #bankaccount hated her..
And it didn't look that pretty.
I did get her a #NewtScamander keychain tho, cause newt is cute
#harrypotter #bankaccount #newtscamander #heythatrhymes
Living in #Hungary is not good for #mentalhealth. Even as a generic citizen, it's #toxic #vibe.
Leaving would definitely be #selfcare.
#Volunteer & #work experience, #office, #retail & #manual.
I speak #English, & forgot #French & #Danish.
Thanks to #fintech, #bankaccount in:
#Ireland #Spain #France #Belgium #Netherlands #Luxembourg #Germany #Switzerland #Poland #Lithuania #Estonia #Romania #Bulgaria #Malta
#Czechia sorta.
#Sweden only.
Prefer staying in #Schengen.
#hungary #mentalhealth #toxic #vibe #selfcare #volunteer #work #office #retail #manual #english #French #danish #fintech #bankaccount #ireland #spain #france #belgium #Netherlands #luxembourg #germany #switzerland #poland #lithuania #estonia #romania #bulgaria #Malta #Czechia #sweden #UK #brexit #Schengen
The Onion: Podcaster Watches Bank Account Balance Double For Every Slur He Says Into Mic https://www.theonion.com/podcaster-watches-bank-account-balance-double-for-every-1850597170 #depositaccount #kylecampbell #bankdeposits #bankaccount #banking #banks
#depositaccount #kylecampbell #bankdeposits #bankaccount #banking #banks
United Nations Policy Brief Talks of a Digital ID Linked To Your Bank Account
An increasingly common proposal among unelected global groups.
#un #digitalid #phone #bankaccount
Triggernometry’s bank account closed
#triggernometry #bankaccount #cancelculture
Yes :blobcatgiggle2:
It's among my favorite hobbies.
I shredded my #Yuneec Ego2 uphill, forelast summer and got a - #random #EU #metric incoming - 30 km/h board as #replacement
(I'ts a #sham tho. I needz faszter #uwu )
I have been #eyeballing a #onewheel ( #trotter would be #better for the #bankaccount ),
but I need to see first.
#Germany s #streetlaws #SUCK !
🚔 ...
#yuneec #random #eu #metric #replacement #sham #uwu #eyeballing #onewheel #trotter #better #bankaccount #germany #streetlaws #suck
#Online #bankaccount vs regular #savingsaccount — which is better?
#online #bankaccount #SavingsAccount
Binance's SWIFT banking partner set to ban USD transfers below $100K - Binance stressed that credit and debit card payments will continu... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/binance-s-swift-banking-partner-set-to-ban-usd-transfers-below-100k #paymentprocessing #corporateaccount #binanceaccount #institutional #bankaccount #creditcard #debitcard #off-ramp #on-ramp #retail #users #euro #usd
#usd #euro #users #retail #on #off #debitcard #creditcard #bankaccount #institutional #binanceaccount #corporateaccount #paymentprocessing
tfw you see more #money than normal in your #BankAccount and you start panicking "what did I #forget to #pay"
#forget #money #bankaccount #pay
tfw you see more money than normal in your #BankAccount and you start panicking "what did I #forget to #pay"
tfw you see how much is in your #BankAccount and you start panicking "what did I #forget to #pay"
Nasty people will be nasty. Bad luck to them.
If you intend socialising and use your mobile with passcode/facial recognition, here is a tale of woe to take note of if you want the bank funds in your bank account to stay your funds.
via Indo/No paywall at the moment - https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/crime/taxi-cab-scam-has-cleaned-out-300000-from-bank-accounts-of-victims-42228904.html
#scam #christmas #bankAccount #taxi #clubs #bar #moneyMule #violence #confusion #keepSafe
#scam #christmas #bankaccount #taxi #clubs #bar #MoneyMule #violence #confusion #keepsafe
SBF reveals what was behind FTX's reopening of Bahamian withdrawals - The former FTX CEO has explained why the exchange only reopened w... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/sbf-reveals-what-was-behind-ftx-s-reopening-of-bahamian-withdrawals #bahamiancitizens #withdrawals #tiffanyfong #bankaccount #withdrawal #thebahamas #interview #ftxhacker #bahamian #hacker #$100 #sbf
#sbf #hacker #bahamian #ftxhacker #interview #thebahamas #withdrawal #bankaccount #tiffanyfong #withdrawals #bahamiancitizens
This morning I took out $40 to pay my #phonebill in person and the rep for #Telus said "they couldn't take cash."
Before anyone else says ANYTHING, I KNOW what this is about;
Telus wants to have a #directdeposit, aka #directWITHDRAWAL, to my account.
Funny these days how almost everyone wants direct access to my bank account.
#BlueCross wanted access, #Telus wants access. Yet, I'M the one being difficult for thinking MY #Bankaccount should belong to ME, MYSELF, AND I.
#bankaccount #bluecross #directwithdrawal #directdeposit #telus #phonebill
What is an #instant #Savings #BankAccount
#instant #savings #bankaccount
Plaid suspends FTX.US access to user data after 'concerning' reports
#bankaccount #information #suspension #sharing #FTX.US #access #revoke #Plaid #data
#bankaccount #information #suspension #sharing #FTX #access #revoke #Plaid #data
Plaid suspends FTX.US access to user data after 'concerning' reports - United-States-based Twitter users had been reporting suspicious d... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/plaid-suspends-ftx-us-access-to-user-data-after-concerning-reports #bankaccount #information #suspension #sharing #ftx.us #access #revoke #plaid #data
#data #plaid #revoke #access #ftx #sharing #suspension #information #bankaccount
Share this.
#bank #banker #bankteller #currency #money #bankaccount #dollar #crypto #digital #sharethis
#sharethis #digital #crypto #dollar #bankaccount #money #Currency #bankteller #banker #bank
(Source: BREITBART) "On March 9, 2022, President Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067.
Buried inside this order is a sinister provision that could give the government unprecedented control over your money and freedom.
In fact, this provision sets the stage for:
*Legal government surveillance of all U.S. citizens
*Total control over your bank accounts and purchases
*And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good."
"“Executive Order 14067 already gives President Biden unprecedented power over the future of the U.S. dollar,” he says. “And sadly, most Americans will be completely caught off guard by it.”
Who is subject to executive orders anyway?
#biden #usdollar #eo #executiveorder #control #money #freedom #surveillance #bankaccount #shutup #American
#American #shutup #bankaccount #surveillance #freedom #money #Control #executiveorder #eo #usdollar #Biden